아침부터 posterous에서 메일왔네요~ > 자유게시판


아침부터 posterous에서 메일왔네요~ 정보

아침부터 posterous에서 메일왔네요~


흠... 어떻게 보면 소셜?이고 어떻게 보면......블로그인 이사이트.... 활동하다 접어 버렸는데... 진짜~ 오랜만에 전체 메일 쏴주네요~
내용인 즉슨... 대규모? 도스 공격이 수요일, 금요일에 있었는데 잘처리 했다는 내용 같은데...
이메일이 도착해서 잊혀졌던 아주 좋은 사이트를 다시 사용 할수 있게 되었네요~ 다음 API연동은 이곳으로~< 소셜미디어로 글보내기 본문에 말했듯이 앞으로 팁 및 스킨 안올립니다. 올리기만 하면 태클이 들어 와서 ㅋㅋ 이번에 올린스킨은 그러고 보니 태클이 없네요~ 스킨화로 하기전에 팁만으로 올릴때는 태클 많았는데 ㅋㅋ>

메일 원문

Hi DongDuk

As you’re no doubt aware, Posterous has had a rocky six days..

On Wednesday and Friday, our servers were hit by massive Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. We responded quickly and got back online within an hour, but it didn’t matter; the site went down and our users couldn’t post.

On Friday night, our team worked around the clock to move to new data centers, better capable of handling the onslaught. It wasn’t easy. Throughout the weekend we were fixing issues, optimizing the site, some things going smoothly, others less so.

Just at the moments we thought the worst was behind us, we’d run up against another challenge. It tested not only our technical abilities, but our stamina, patience, and we lost more than a few hairs in the process.

I’m happy to report Posterous is at 100% and better than ever. Switching to a new data center will help us avoid the type of attacks we saw last week, and the new, bigger, beefier servers will speed up the site and increase capacity. We were hit pretty hard, but we’ve come out stronger in the end.

While we were certainly frustrated, we know that no one was more frustrated than you. Your website was down, and I humbly apologize for that. Know that throughout these six days, restoring your site and your trust has been our number one priority.

At the same time, I have never been prouder of the Posterous team. Garry led the team in the server migration, Vince worked like a mad man until he passed out on his desk, and Jackson helped the community understand the impacts of some pretty technical issues. This week has been all hands on deck, and we had some pretty great hands.

We have great plans for the future of Posterous. Our team is stronger than ever, and we are laser focused on developing better ways for you to share your content online. Thank you for believing in us, thank you for trusting us, and thank you for sticking with us through the past six days.

--Sachin Agarwal

댓글 4개

시스템은 좋은데~~~~~~~어떻게 조리할수가 없네요.. 특정 메일로만 보내야 포스팅 되기에.... ㅠ.ㅠ;
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