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그누4 질문답변

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스킨적용후 글쓰기가 안되요 정보

스킨적용후 글쓰기가 안되요


 Warning: include_once(../lib/cheditor.lib.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /host/home1/cnw950/html/gnuboard4/skin/board/shop_mall/write.skin.php on line 3

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../lib/cheditor.lib.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /host/home1/cnw950/html/gnuboard4/skin/board/shop_mall/write.skin.php on line 3
<form style="margin: 0px;" encType="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fwrite" action="javascript_:fwrite_check(document.fwrite);">
<input name="null" type="hidden"> <input name="w" type="hidden"> <input name="bo_table" value="order" type="hidden"> <input name="wr_id" type="hidden"> <input name="sca" type="hidden"> <input name="sfl" type="hidden"> <input name="stx" type="hidden"> <input name="spt" type="hidden"> <input name="sst" type="hidden"> <input name="sod" type="hidden"> <input name="page" type="hidden">
Fatal error: Call to undefined function cheditor1() in /host/home1/cnw950/html/gnuboard4/skin/board/shop_mall/write.skin.php on line 49
글쓰기를 누르면 위 내용이 뜨면서 안되네여 이거 해결방법 없나요?

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사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)