해석을 해 달라는 정도로 염치 없는 놈은 아닙니다. > 자유게시판


해석을 해 달라는 정도로 염치 없는 놈은 아닙니다. 정보

해석을 해 달라는 정도로 염치 없는 놈은 아닙니다.


aws에 질문한 문의 답변이 왔는데... 

된다는건지...안된다는 건지 만 좀 알려주세요..

된다는 거면 비용을 들여서라도 번역 할려구요;;



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   질문 

Use case description: Hi guys. I am a Korean user, but I would like to contact Amazon Connect How to set up a Korean phone number or Internet phone number I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Thank you.

(아마존 connect (콜센터) 구축하는게 한국전화호는 리스트에 없어서 혹시 국제번호 말고 한국전화번호나 인터넷 전화로 가능 한지에 대한 문의 입니다. )


======================== 아마존 답변 -=================




Thank you for your interest in the Amazon Connect service. I’m happy to provide you with some information on this.


Amazon Connect is a self-service, interactive, scalable, cloud-based customer contact center service that offers an integrative and adaptable Interactive Voice Responder (or IVR), designed to anticipate and support end-customer needs.


The service provides a personal and natural interaction by leveraging integration with Amazon Lex technology, self-managed data and business intelligence and other business applications, and through the services’ features, such as; rich analytics, customizable real-time and historical metrics.


In addition, Amazon Connect will allow you to make and receive calls, manage user permissions and security profiles, create contact flows, and scale your contact center to match your business requirements. For example, if an end-customer needs to speak with an agent, you could use IVR contact flows to connect the customer to the right agent and ensure effective customer contact handling.


For more information on Amazon Connect, please visit our product page at the link below:



And here's the getting started guide for your reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/amazon-connect-get-started.html


If there's any further assistance that I can provide, feel free to reach back out me please. Many thanks.




Please let us know if I helped resolve your issue:


If YES, click here:



If NO, click here: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/feedback?eventId=7240762301&language=en&questionnaireId=Support-HMD-No


We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this correspondence using the AWS Support Center link at the end of this correspondence. Each correspondence can also be rated by selecting the stars in top right corner of each correspondence within the AWS Support Center.

Best regards,


Amazon Web Services


=============================================================== To share your experience or contact us again about this case, please return to the AWS Support Center using the following URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/?displayId=8115641321&language=en

Note, this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mails. To respond to this case, please follow the link above to respond from your AWS Support Center. ===============================================================



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댓글 5개

대충 읽어보니 Amazon Connect 에 대해 알아보려면 https://aws.amazon.com/connect/ 를 참조 하라는 내용이고 사용 안내는https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/amazon-connect-get-started.html 여기를 보라는군요.

connect 사용 안내는 한글 지원이 가능하니 한번 살펴 보세요.

아래 점선 이하는 도움이 되었으면 yes 링크를 도움이 안되었다면 no 링크를 클릭 하라는 말인것 같네요.
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