CentOS7 명령어 비교 신명령어 systemctl vs 구명령어 > 개발자팁


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CentOS7 명령어 비교 신명령어 systemctl vs 구명령어 정보

OS CentOS7 명령어 비교 신명령어 systemctl vs 구명령어


centos7부터는 구 명령어는 아직 사용가능하지만

호환성때문에 아직 내버려두는 것이지... 앞으로는 없앤다 하니

신명령어를 알아놓읍시다


Table 9.3. Comparison of the service Utility with systemctl

service name start
systemctl start name.service
Starts a service.
service name stop
systemctl stop name.service
Stops a service.
service name restart
systemctl restart name.service
Restarts a service.
service name condrestart
systemctl try-restart name.service
Restarts a service only if it is running.
service name reload
systemctl reload name.service
Reloads configuration.
service name status
systemctl status name.service
systemctl is-active name.service
Checks if a service is running.
service --status-all
systemctl list-units --type service --all
Displays the status of all services.


Table 9.4. Comparison of the chkconfig Utility with systemctl

chkconfig name on
systemctl enable name.service
Enables a service.
chkconfig name off
systemctl disable name.service
Disables a service.
chkconfig --list name
systemctl status name.service
systemctl is-enabled name.service
Checks if a service is enabled.
chkconfig --list
systemctl list-unit-files --type service
Lists all services and checks if they are enabled.
chkconfig --list
systemctl list-dependencies --after
Lists services that are ordered to start before the specified unit.
chkconfig --list
systemctl list-dependencies --before
Lists services that are ordered to start after the specified unit.



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