php ? js ? html ? 문제가 뭘까요.. 자세히 첨부합니다. 도와주세요..

php ? js ? html ? 문제가 뭘까요.. 자세히 첨부합니다. 도와주세요..


php ? js ? html ? 문제가 뭘까요.. 자세히 첨부합니다. 도와주세요..

답변 3


어디서부터 설명을 드려야 할지 모르겠는데...
홈페이지를 수정중에 있습니다.
보통 html파일을 ftp에 넣으면 홈페이지상에서 보여지기 마련인데요.
처음에 작업을 했을때 페이지가 나오지 않더라구요.

Not Found

The requested URL /public_html/htm/nest_cellculture_plates_01.html was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 PHP/4.4.9 Server at Port 80

이런식으로 나오더군요..
그래서 알아보니...

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+// | This file is part of the Mojavi package.                                  |// | Copyright (c) 2003 Sean Kerr.                                             |// |                                                                           |// | For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYRIGHT |// | file that was distributed with this source code. If the COPYRIGHT file is |// | missing, please visit the Mojavi homepage:          |// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
/** * INCLUDE config.php */$HttpReferer=$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER];require_once('../webapp/config.php');

/** * INCLUDE CORE FILES AND CREATE CONTROLLER * * All core Mojavi files are included here. * * Note: This section of initialization must be performed after inclusion of the *       configuration file. */require_once(MOJAVI_FILE);
$controller =& Controller::getInstance();
/** * SECURITY SETTINGS * * By default, a PrivilegeAuthorizationHandler is used. It requires the * PrivilegeUser class. If you wish to provide custom authorization, you'll need * to create a custom AuthorizationHandler and User. * * The default security system checks only for user privileges. It is possible * to extend User and check for Roles or whatever other method you have in mind. * Please view the opt/auth/PrivilegeAuthorizationHandler and * opt/user/PrivilegeUser classes for examples. * * It's also possible to not use any security. Simply comment out the following * security related code and you'll have a user with no security related data. */require_once(AUTH_DIR . 'PrivilegeAuthorizationHandler.class.php');require_once(USER_DIR . 'PrivilegeUser.class.php');
$authHandler =& new PrivilegeAuthorizationHandler;$user        =& new PrivilegeUser;$controller->setAuthorizationHandler($authHandler);$controller->setUser($user);

/** * LOG SETTINGS * * By default, a logger by the name of 'default' exists, which appends to * stdout. You can add an additional appenders and/or remove the stdout * appender. * * Feel free to register other loggers as well. It's quite nice to have an * additional event logger too, which uses custom log level's that describe * system events. * * Examples are provided below: * * --- retrieve the default logger (this cannot be removed from LogManager) * $deflog =& LogManager::getLogger(); * * --- log a warning * --- only the message parameter is required for logging to the default logger * $deflog->warning('This is a warning', 'MyClass', 'MyFunction', 'MyFile', *                  'MyLine'); * * --- add an additional appender which will log to a file parallel with stdout * * --- use a PatternLayout to format the message * $layout =& new PatternLayout('%N [%c:%F:%l] %m'); * * --- use a FileAppender to log to file using the pattern above * --- write to log file LOG_DIR/mojavi_<date>.log * --- FileAppender takes a %d date conversion character so you can write to * --- dated log files * require_once(LOGGING_DIR . 'FileAppender.class.php'); * $appender =& new FileAppender($layout, LOG_DIR . 'mojavi_%d{n_j_y}.log'); * $deflog->addAppender('file', $appender); */

/** * USER CONTAINER SETTINGS * * By default, when sessions are enabled, a SessionContainer is used. When * sessions are disabled an ArrayContainer is used. You only need to register * a user container when you wish to provide a custom way of handling user * persistence. More than likely, you will never have to register one. * * Examples are provided below: * * --- use a MyCustomContainer instead of SessionContainer * * require_once('MyCustomContainer.class.php'); * $userContainer =& new MyCustomContainer; * $user          =& $controller->getUser(); * $user->setContainer($userContainer); */

/** * SESSION SETTINGS * * By default, no session handler is used. You only need to register one if you * wish to provide custom session storage. * * Examples are provided below: * * --- we'll use a PostgreSQL session handler so we can store sessions in a * --- database * require_once(SESSION_DIR . 'PgSQLSessionHandler.class.php'); * $sessHandler =& new PgSQLSessionHandler('user=USER password=PASS dbname=DB'); * * --- register our custom session handler with the controller * $controller->setSessionHandler($sessHandler); */

/** * Remove this comment and the following die() statement once you have fully * configured your Mojavi installation. *///die('Please configure your Mojavi installation and remove this line from index.php.');

/** * DISPATCH REQUEST * * This tells the controller to handle the request. * * Note: This section of initialization must be performed last. */$controller->dispatch();?>                               

위에 내용은 index.php의 내용입니다.

function tm01() {location.href = "index.php";}function tm02() {location.href = "mailto:";}function tm03() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}
function m10() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=1";}function m11() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=1";}function m12() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=2";}

function m20() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=3";}function m21() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=3";}function m22() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=4";}function m23() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=5";}function m24() {location.href = "?module=Board&action=SiteBoard&sMode=SELECT_FORM&iBrdNo=1";}
function m30() {location.href = "?module=Inquiry&action=SiteInquiry&iInquiryNo=1&sMode=INSERT_FORM";}function m31() {location.href = "?module=Inquiry&action=SiteInquiry&iInquiryNo=1&sMode=INSERT_FORM";}
function m40() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=6";}function m41() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=6";}
function m50() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=7";}function m51() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=7";}
function m60() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}function m61() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}
function m62() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=9";}

위 내용은 link.js 파일입니다.

제가 듣고싶은 답변은 추가적인 페이지 생성을 하려면 어떻게 해야되는지를 알고싶습니다..
혹시나 다른 코드를 보셔야 한다면 찾아서 올리겠습니다. 꼭 답변 부탁드립니다 (__)

이 질문에 댓글 쓰기 :

답변 3

function tm01() {location.href = "index.php";}
function tm02() {location.href = "mailto:";}
function tm03() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}

function m10() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=1";}
function m11() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=1";}
function m12() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=2";}

function m20() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=3";}
function m21() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=3";}
function m22() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=4";}
function m23() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=5";}
function m24() {location.href = "?module=Board&action=SiteBoard&sMode=SELECT_FORM&iBrdNo=1";}

function m30() {location.href = "?module=Inquiry&action=SiteInquiry&iInquiryNo=1&sMode=INSERT_FORM";}
function m31() {location.href = "?module=Inquiry&action=SiteInquiry&iInquiryNo=1&sMode=INSERT_FORM";}

function m40() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=6";}
function m41() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=6";}

function m50() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=7";}
function m51() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=7";}

function m60() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}
function m61() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=8";}

function m62() {location.href = "?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=9";}

위 내용은 link.js 파일 내용입니다.
제가 알고싶은건.. 추가적인 페이지를 생성할 수 있는 방법입니다..
플래시 템플릿을 그대로 쓴다고 가정하고 내용만 추가적인 페이지를 생성하고 싶을때 어떻게 해야 하는지 알고 싶습니다.
페이지 없다네요...
서버 셋팅... 을 잘 못 하신것 같은데요..
서버를 셋팅 중이라면...  관련 지식을 먼저 습득하거나
관련 지식이 있는 분에게 맡기세요.
이 부분은 지식 없으면..  세팅하기 엄청 까다로우실 거에요
Mojavi - an MVC framework for PHP

Mojavi 프레임워크네요.

저도 3년 좀 넘었지만, 그 프레임워크로 제작된 사이트를 모바일 만든다고 건드린적이 있는데, 구조를 몰라서 엄청 해맸던 기억이 나네요.

이제는 어떻게 건드렸는지 기억이 안나지만, ㅠ_ㅠ ( 죄송... )

구글에서 Mojavi php 라고 검색해 보시면 몇가지 힌트 정도는 나올겁니다.

config 파일을 보시면 좀 아실 수 있으시려나요?


 * An absolute file-system path to the webapp directory.
define('ROOT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
define('BASE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
define('HttpReferer', $HttpReferer);

 * An absolute file-system path to the log directory.
 * Note: This directory must be writable by any user.
define('LOG_DIR', BASE_DIR . 'logs/');

 * An absolute file-system path to the all-in-one class file Mojavi
 * uses.
define('MOJAVI_FILE', ROOT_DIR.'../mojavi/mojavi-all-classes.php');

 * An absolute file-system path to the optional classes directory.
define('OPT_DIR', ROOT_DIR.'../mojavi/opt/');


 * An absolute web path where modules can store public information such as
 * images and CSS documents.
define('WEB_MODULE_DIR', '/modpub/');

 * An absolute web path to the index.php script.
define('SCRIPT_PATH', '');

// ----- ACCESSOR NAMES -----

 * The parameter name used to specify a module.
define('MODULE_ACCESSOR', 'module');

 * The parameter name used to specify an action.
define('ACTION_ACCESSOR', 'action');

// ----- MODULES AND ACTIONS -----

 * The action to be executed when an unauthenticated user makes a request for
 * a secure action.
define('AUTH_MODULE', 'Default');
define('AUTH_ACTION', 'GlobalSecure');

 * The action to be executed when a request is made that does not specify a
 * module and action.
define('DEFAULT_MODULE', 'Default');
define('DEFAULT_ACTION', 'Default');

 * The action to be executed when a request is made for a non-existent module
 * or action.
define('ERROR_404_MODULE', 'Default');
define('ERROR_404_ACTION', 'PageNotFound');

 * The action to be executed when an authenticated user makes a request for
 * an action for which they do not possess the privilege.
define('SECURE_MODULE', 'Default');
define('SECURE_ACTION', 'GlobalSecure');
//define('SECURE_ACTION', 'Login');

 * The action to be executed when the available status of the application
 * is unavailable.
define('UNAVAILABLE_MODULE', 'Default');
define('UNAVAILABLE_ACTION', 'Unavailable');

// ----- MISC. SETTINGS -----

 * Whether or not the web application is available or if it's out-of-service
 * for any reason.
define('AVAILABLE', TRUE);

 * Should typical PHP errors be displayed? This should be used only for
 * development purposes.
 * 1 = on, 0 = off
define('DISPLAY_ERRORS', 1);

 * The associative array that may contain a key that holds path information
 * for a request, and the key name.
 * 1 = $_SERVER array
 * 2 = $_ENV array
 * Note: This only needs set if URL_FORMAT = 2.
define('PATH_INFO_ARRAY', 1);
define('PATH_INFO_KEY',   'PATH_INFO');

 * The format in which URLs are generated.
 * 1 = GET format
 * 2 = PATH format
 * GET  format is ?key=value&key=value
 * PATH format is /key/value/key/value
 * Note: PATH format may required modifications to your webserver configuration.
define('URL_FORMAT', 1);

 * Should we use sessions?

 * smarty setting
define('SMARTY_DIR', OPT_DIR.'smarty/libs/');
define('SMARTY_CACHING', false);
define('SMARTY_CACHE_DIR', BASE_DIR.'smarty/cache/');
define('SMARTY_COMPILE_DIR', BASE_DIR.'smarty/compile/');
define('SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE', false);
define('SMARTY_DEBUG_TPL', BASE_DIR.'smarty/debug.tpl');
define('SMARTY_DEBUGGING', false);

 * adodb setting
define('ADODB_DIR', OPT_DIR.'adodb/');
define('ADODB_CACHE_DIR', BASE_DIR.'adodb');
define('ADODB_CACHE_SECS', '0');
define('ADODB_DEBUG', false);
define('SQL_TYPE', 'mysql');
define('SQL_SERVER', 'localhost:3306');
define('SQL_USER', 'icellsci');
define('SQL_PASSWORD', 'icellsci7297');
define('SQL_DATABASE', 'icellsci');

ini_set("include_path", OPT_DIR."/pear");

define('UPLOAD_FILE_DIR', '../public_html/upload_dir/board/');	
define('UPLOAD_GOODS_DIR', ROOT_DIR.'../public_html/upload_dir/goods/');
define('UPLOAD_BOARD_DIR', ROOT_DIR.'../public_html/upload_dir/board/');	
define('UPLOAD_INQUIRY_DIR' , ROOT_DIR.'../public_html/upload_dir/inquiry/');

답변을 작성하시기 전에 로그인 해주세요.
QA 내용 검색
filter #html ×
전체 5
현재 페이지 제일 처음으로