모바일에서 3차메뉴 표현

모바일에서 3차메뉴 표현


모바일에서 3차메뉴 표현

답변 1


현재 2차 메뉴까지 기본 소스가 있는데요 3차 메뉴 소스는 어떻게 넣어야 되는 고수님들께

부탁 드립니다.

하나 해결되면 또하나가 문제 되는데 이제 모바일에서만 해결 되면 끝-

if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가


<header id="hd">
    <h1 id="hd_h1"><?php echo $g5['title'] ?></h1>

    <div class="to_content"><a href="#container">본문 바로가기</a></div>

    if(defined('_INDEX_')) { // index에서만 실행
        include G5_MOBILE_PATH.'/newwin.inc.php'; // 팝업레이어
    } ?>
    <div id="hd_wrapper">
        <div id="logo">
<table align=left border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width=170><tr>
<td width=50>  <a href="<?php echo G5_URL ?>"><img src="<?php echo G5_IMG_URL ?>/logo_m.png" alt="<?php echo $config['cf_title']; ?>"></a></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo G5_URL ?>"><font color=ffffff size=3>부광노인대학</font></a></td></tr></table>
<div id="google_translate_element" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute;"></div>
<div class="translation-icons" style="visibility: hidden; position: relative; text-align:center; margin:0px auto; padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px; height: 30px; width: 170;;position:absolute;top:22px;right:110px; zoom:1">
    <a href="#" class="ko" data-placement="0"> <img src="<?php echo G5_IMG_URL?>/KR.png" alt='한국'/></a>  
    <a href="#" class="us" data-placement="1"> <img src="<?php echo G5_IMG_URL?>/US.png" alt='미국'/></a>
        <button type="button" id="gnb_open" class="hd_opener"><i class="fa fa-bars" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sound_only"> 메뉴열기</span></button>

        <div id="gnb" class="hd_div">
            <button type="button" id="gnb_close" class="hd_closer"><span class="sound_only">메뉴 </span>닫기</button>
           <?php echo outlogin('theme/basic'); // 외부 로그인 ?>

            <ul id="hd_nb">
                <li class="hd_nb1"><a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/qalist.php" id="snb_qa">1:1문의</a></li>
                <li class="hd_nb2"><a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/faq.php" id="snb_faq">FAQ</a></li>
                <li class="hd_nb3"><a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/current_connect.php" id="snb_cnt">접속자 <span><?php echo connect('theme/basic'); // 현재 접속자수 ?></span></a></li>
                <li class="hd_nb4"><a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/new.php" id="snb_new">새글</a></li>

            <ul id="gnb_1dul">
            $sql = " select *
                        from {$g5['menu_table']}
                        where me_mobile_use = '1'
                          and length(me_code) = '2'
                        order by me_order, me_id ";
            $result = sql_query($sql, false);

            for($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
                <li class="gnb_1dli">
                    <a href="<?php echo $row['me_link']; ?>" target="_<?php echo $row['me_target']; ?>" class="gnb_1da"><?php echo $row['me_name'] ?></a>
                    $sql2 = " select *
                                from {$g5['menu_table']}
                                where me_mobile_use = '1'
                                  and length(me_code) = '4'
                                  and substring(me_code, 1, 2) = '{$row['me_code']}'
                                order by me_order, me_id ";
                    $result2 = sql_query($sql2);

                    for ($k=0; $row2=sql_fetch_array($result2); $k++) {
                        if($k == 0)
                            echo '<button type="button" class="btn_gnb_op">하위분류</button><ul class="gnb_2dul">'.PHP_EOL;
                        <li class="gnb_2dli"><a href="<?php echo $row2['me_link']; ?>" target="_<?php echo $row2['me_target']; ?>" class="gnb_2da"><span></span><?php echo $row2['me_name'] ?></a></li>

                    if($k > 0)
                        echo '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;


            if ($i == 0) {  ?>
                <li id="gnb_empty">메뉴 준비 중입니다.<?php if ($is_admin) { ?> <br><a href="<?php echo G5_ADMIN_URL; ?>/menu_list.php">관리자모드 > 환경설정 > 메뉴설정</a>에서 설정하세요.<?php } ?></li>
            <?php } ?>

            <div id="hd_sch">
                <h2>사이트 내 전체검색</h2>
                <form name="fsearchbox" action="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/search.php" onsubmit="return fsearchbox_submit(this);" method="get">
                <input type="hidden" name="sfl" value="wr_subject||wr_content">
                <input type="hidden" name="sop" value="and">
                <input type="text" name="stx" id="sch_stx" placeholder="검색어(필수)" required maxlength="20">
                <button type="submit" value="검색" id="sch_submit"><i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sound_only">검색</span></button>

                function fsearchbox_submit(f)
                    if (f.stx.value.length < 2) {
                        alert("검색어는 두글자 이상 입력하십시오.");
                        return false;

                    // 검색에 많은 부하가 걸리는 경우 이 주석을 제거하세요.
                    var cnt = 0;
                    for (var i=0; i<f.stx.value.length; i++) {
                        if (f.stx.value.charAt(i) == ' ')

                    if (cnt > 1) {
                        alert("빠른 검색을 위하여 검색어에 공백은 한개만 입력할 수 있습니다.");
                        return false;

                    return true;
        $(function () {
            //폰트 크기 조정 위치 지정
            var font_resize_class = get_cookie("ck_font_resize_add_class");
            if( font_resize_class == 'ts_up' ){
                $("#text_size button").removeClass("select");
            } else if (font_resize_class == 'ts_up2') {
                $("#text_size button").removeClass("select");

            $(".hd_opener").on("click", function() {
                var $this = $(this);
                var $hd_layer = $this.next(".hd_div");

                if($hd_layer.is(":visible")) {
                } else {
                    var $hd_layer2 = $(".hd_div:visible");


            $("#container").on("click", function() {




            $(".hd_closer").on("click", function() {
                var idx = $(".hd_closer").index($(this));


<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="container">
    <?php if (!defined("_INDEX_")) { ?><h2 id="container_title" class="top" title="<?php echo get_text($g5['title']); ?>"><?php echo get_head_title($g5['title']); ?></h2><?php } ?>

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