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숫자크기 문의드립니다.

답변 1


예) 자유게시판 23/4 


이런 식으로 출력되게 하는 팁입니다.



그런데...적용해보니... 23/4 이부분 글자크기가

4~5 정도 되는거같습니다.글자릴 키울수 없을까요??




아래 소스를 extend/extend.lib.php에 올립니다.

// 전체글/오늘글
function total_today($bo_table, $fcolor) /// $fcolor는 글자색깔
    global $g4;
$intime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - (int)(60 * 60 * 24)); 
$sqlCnum = " select count(*) as Cnum from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 "; 
$rowCnum = sql_fetch($sqlCnum);
$sqlCnumT = " select count(*) as CnumT from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_datetime >= '$intime'";
$rowCnumT = sql_fetch($sqlCnumT);
echo " <span style='font-size:7pt;color:{$fcolor};'>";
echo $rowCnum[Cnum];
if ($rowCnumT[CnumT] > 0) echo "/".$rowCnumT[CnumT];
echo "</span>";
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    return $content;
// 전체글/오늘글_카테고리
function total_todayCate($bo_table, $ca_name, $fcolor) ///$fcolor는 글자색깔
    global $g4;
$intime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - (int)(60 * 60 * 24)); 
$C = $ca_name;
$sqlCnumC = " select count(*) as CnumC from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and ca_name = '$ca_name' "; 
$rowCnumC = sql_fetch($sqlCnumC);
$sqlCnumTC = " select count(*) as CnumTC from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and ca_name = '$ca_name' and wr_datetime >= '$intime' ";
$rowCnumTC = sql_fetch($sqlCnumTC);
echo " <span style='font-size:7pt;color:{$fcolor};'>";
echo $rowCnumC[CnumC];
if ($rowCnumTC[CnumTC] > 0) echo "/".$rowCnumTC[CnumTC];
echo "</span>";
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    return $content;






echo total_today("게시판명", "#6699ff"); //게시판 제목 옆에. 게시글 전체 해당


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