Edit $menu[$i]['href']

Edit $menu[$i]['href']


Edit $menu[$i]['href']

답변 2


Hi im new to gnuboard, I build 2 website with a single codebase that have the same database and deployed in two different web sites.  


how can i edit this link ['href']




Im learning gnuboard for a project


이 질문에 댓글 쓰기 :

답변 2

You can modify the links at here.


This is the source code


for ($i=1; $i < $menu_cnt; $i++) {

if(!$menu[$i]['gr_id']) continue;

// Do not output excluded menus

if($is_top_menu && in_array($menu[$i]['gr_id'], $menu_top_list)) continue;



<li class="menu-li <?php echo $menu[$i]['on'];?>">

<a class="menu-a nav-height" href="<?php echo $menu[$i]['href'];?>" <?php echo $menu[$i]['target']; ?>>

<span id="mu-link">

<p data-hover="<?php echo $menu[$i]['name'];?>"><?php echo $menu[$i]['name'];?></p>


<?php if($menu[$i]['new'] == "new") { ?>

<i class="fa fa-bolt new"></i>

<?php } ?>


<?php if($menu[$i]['is_sub']) { //Is Sub Menu ?>

<div class="sub-slide sub-1div">

<ul class="sub-1dul">

<?php for($j=0; $j < count($menu[$i]['sub']); $j++) { ?>

<?php if($menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['line']) { //separator line ?>

<li class="sub-1line"><a><?php echo $menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['line'];?></a></li>

 <?php } ?>


<li class="sub-1dli <?php echo $menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['on'];?>">

 <!-- main nav down hover-->    

<a href="<?php echo $menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['href'];?>" class="sub-1da<?php echo ($menu[$i] ['sub'][$j]['is_sub']) ?' sub-icon' : '';?>" <?php echo $menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['target '];?>>

<?php echo $menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['name'];?>

<?php if($menu[$i]['sub'][$j]['new'] == "new") { ?>

<i class="fa fa-bolt sub-1new"></i>

<?php } ?>


<!-- end main nav down hover-->

All navigation variables work next to the last item and when clicked, another website page is displayed.

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