VMware IP

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VMware IP


VMware IP

답변 3


# VMware NAT configuration file


# NAT gateway address
ip =
netmask =

# VMnet device if not specified on command line
device = vmnet8

# Allow PORT/EPRT FTP commands (they need incoming TCP stream ...)
activeFTP = 1

# Allows the source to have any OUI.  Turn this on if you change the OUI
# in the MAC address of your virtual machines.
allowAnyOUI = 1

# Controls if (TCP) connections should be reset when the adapter they are
# bound to goes down
resetConnectionOnLinkDown = 1

# Controls if (TCP) connection should be reset when guest packet's destination
# is NAT's IP address
resetConnectionOnDestLocalHost = 1


# Value of timeout in TCP TIME_WAIT state, in seconds
timeWaitTimeout = 30


# Timeout in seconds. Dynamically-created UDP mappings will purged if
# idle for this duration of time 0 = no timeout, default = 60; real
# value might be up to 100% longer
timeout = 60

# Timeout for NBNS queries.
nbnsTimeout = 2

# Number of retries for each NBNS query.
nbnsRetries = 3

# Timeout for NBDS queries.
nbdsTimeout = 3


# Use these with care - anyone can enter into your VM through these...
# The format and example are as follows:
#<external port number> = <VM's IP address>:<VM's port number>
#8080 =
3389 =
# UDP port forwarding example
#6000 =
상단에 # NAT gateway address 부분에 ip =라고 되어 있어서 인지...
VM ware안에 리눅스 ip주소를 확인 해보니...라고 나옵니다.

본 OS의 아이피를, VMWARE의 CentOS(리눅스)도 가져가서 공유하여 사용하고 싶은데...
유동 IP다 보니...어떻게 해야할지를 모르겠습니다.
좋은 방법이 없을까요...?

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답변 3

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