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당인리 발전소 폭발했다고 하고,

금정역 지하철에서도 사고 났다고 하고.

대구 사대부고에서도 화재?

왜이리 불안할까요 ;;

댓글 전체

제가 장담하건대, 지하철 사고는 한번 더 터지고, 현재까지보단 큰 사고로, 한번 더 뉴스 메인을 탈 겁니다.
그렇게 돼야 할 '어떤 이유'가 존재하니까요.
sns 한 단점이죠.  늘 불안하게 하고 두렵게 만들며 관심 속에 있길 갈망하는 현상입니다. 이런 두려움과 불안은 인류가 처음 생길 때부터 끝날 때까지 형태만 다르게 계속 나타납니다. 단지 깨닫느냐, 깨닫지 못하느냐, 그리고 언제 깨닫느냐 의 차이입니다.
한 가지 예입니다. 이 친구는 이런 갈망을 이렇게 표현 했네요. 답을 찾으려 했으나, 아직 그 시기를 알지 못한 상황인 거 같네요.
Theory of desire -Dr.HA ,(Low level of translation-Anatal)
Theory, including the theorists themselves the target of the whole reality.
Theoretical analysis of the whole of reality change the reality of the whole theory should lead especially to say that.
The theory and methods of the various contents exist.Or sometimes mistakenly considered that the diversity and differences, the theory may be criticized each other's theories.
More than that, and also criticized fight until sacrificed his life to, and it is more accurate representation.
Must win fight for your lives, it is a reality that can survive the theory theorists are you can not be an exception.
The real rulers in the history of criticism of his power to get rid of the theory is called advertising and pathological factors have been legally removed cruel.
The same is true today.
South Korea is the world capital of power, not to mention the 'communist' and to extend their power by killing a.
There is such a thing that is happening to the arbitrary power of capital to fight your lives criticized the commies means that there is still a theory.
Capital Power will continue to win the 'commie theory' will not be forced to kill is to be extended.
But this is a fight to the death between the theory of power and capital, as well as among the commie commies among, or any theory 'differ' made a reason.
Theory that life on the line, or it can be due to a desire, not a need, only by fighting to survive in a fight as he is teaching the former capital of power, or it can be learned from doing,
What did you do anything to make a living under capitalism gets tough "comrades consciousness" something for a long time and so I may be forgetting.
Capitalist exploitation of workers and oppressed workers in the capital to cover up the real power to disable the ability to resist criticizing the ideology of Marxism theory, unlike Peter V.Zima commie theory is no reflection on his theory,
But it is practically impossible.If the degree of difference constitutes coexist from the beginning because the large difference will not be a problem because of.
his theory is right only claims, other theories do not admit, not even talk criticizing the theory of ideology.Who would try to give up his theory,
Working for free stark contradiction between labor and capital, workers' revolution by showing lifted even if nowhere near enough awareness, diversity, difference, recognition, ambivalence, reflection, dialogue highlighting the ttawina Peter V.Zima beyond the power of the theory of capital suggesting who would want to keep capitalism vague and all over the world that prevent workers united in that struggle, Marxism as the enemy of the commies.
Theory of right and wrong that your lives in the world of business is very
This theory is different from each other on either side to give up his theory. Therefore co-exist with each other while you inevitably achieved difference.
So, in order to co-exist different theories to recognize the uniqueness of each other and it is necessary to constantly reflect and dialogue.
Peter V.Zima Marxist commies are to be considered as an enemy, then they will not be able to co-exist, there is no reason to co-exist.
Fought your lives to prove correctness by the victory will be won.This article is written here is true why.
In my case, I think that to fight with anyone, risking their lives, there is no commie Marxist thought, and not to give up both Peter V.Zima.
Peter V.Zima so ever to be considered a Marxist commie, Marxist commie who does not acknowledge the dialog says goodbye to The Peter V.Zima ..
전체 132,194
십년전오늘 내용 검색


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  1. 참여9 회 시작24.06.20 10:02 종료24.06.23 23:59
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