css관련 질문 드려요..
위에 사이트의 메뉴중에 products>screenbucket에 마우스를 올리면
3step메뉴가 나오는데요..그 3step메뉴중에 제목이 좀 긴거에 마우스를 올리면
글자가 잘리거든요..
아마도 마우스 오버시 생기는 파랑색바의 길이가 짧아서 그런거 같은데요..
아래의 css에서 어떤걸 수정해야 할까요?
/* ================================================================
This copyright notice must be kept untouched in the stylesheet at
all times.
The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)html
is available at http://www.stunicholls.com/menu/pro_drop_1.html
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved.
This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any
way to fit your requirements.
=================================================================== */
.preload1 {background: url(blank_over.gif);}
.preload2 {background: url(blank_overa.gif);}
#nav {padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; height:38px; position:relative; z-index:980; font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif;}
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#nav li a.top_link span.down {float:left; display:block; padding:0 43px 0 43px; height:60px; background:url(blanka.gif) no-repeat right top;}
#nav li a.top_link:hover {color:#9e0b0f; background: url(blank_over.gif) no-repeat;}
#nav li a.top_link:hover span {background:url(blank_over.gif) no-repeat right top;}
#nav li a.top_link:hover span.down {background:url(blank_overa.gif) no-repeat right top;}
#nav li:hover > a.top_link {color:#9e0b0f; background: url(blank_over.gif) no-repeat;}
#nav li:hover > a.top_link span {background:url(blank_over.gif) no-repeat right top;}
#nav li:hover > a.top_link span.down {background:url(blank_overa.gif) no-repeat right top;}
/* Default list styling */
#nav li:hover {position:relative; z-index:200;}
/* keep the 'next' level invisible by placing it off screen. */
#nav ul,
#nav li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul ul
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#nav li:hover ul.sub li a:hover
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#nav li:hover ul.sub li a.fly:hover
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#nav li:hover ul li:hover > a.fly {background:#3a93d2 url(arrow_over.gif) 115px 7px no-repeat; color:#fff;}
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul,
#nav li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li:hover ul
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