innoDB에 헬리콥터 게임을 설치 중 에러

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innoDB에 헬리콥터 게임을 설치 중 에러


innoDB에 헬리콥터 게임을 설치 중 에러


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `g4_game_copter` ( no int NOT NULL auto_increment, id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', name varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', score int NOT NULL default '0', date int(13) NOT NULL default '0', x timestamp(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (no) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (no) ) ENGINE=InnoDB' at line 7

error file : /plugin/copter/copter_s.php

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