그누5 메뉴 수정관련 질문좀 드릴께요 ㅠㅠ

매출이 오르면 내리는 수수료! 지금 수수료센터에서 전자결제(PG)수수료 비교견적 신청해 보세요!
그누5 메뉴 수정관련 질문좀 드릴께요 ㅠㅠ


그누5 메뉴 수정관련 질문좀 드릴께요 ㅠㅠ


안녕하세요 .. ㅠㅠ 며칠 째 메뉴 설정 관련하여 머리털이 빠지고 있는 초짜 입니다 ㅠㅠ..


요 부분을 수정하고자 합니다 ㅠㅠ... 알고 계신 고수님들의 답변좀 부탁드릴께요 ㅠㅠ 살려주세용 !! ㅜㅜ

// menu.php //

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo G5_URL?>/skin/menu/main1/style.css" type="text/css" />
<nav id="topmenu">
 <div class="wrap" id="Mmenu">
        $sql = " select * from {$g5['group_table']} where gr_show_menu = '1' and gr_device <> 'mobile' order by gr_order ";
        $result = sql_query($sql);
        for ($gi=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($result); $gi++) { // gi 는 group index
  <li class="ok1" <?php if($row[gr_id]==$gr_id){echo "style='background:#ffffff'" ;}?>>
            <a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/group.php?gr_id=<?php echo $row['gr_id'] ?>" class="gnb_1da"><?php echo $row['gr_subject'] ?></a>
   <div class="subMenuBox">
                $sql2 = " select * from {$g5['board_table']} where gr_id = '{$row['gr_id']}' and bo_show_menu = '1' and bo_device <> 'mobile' order by bo_order ";
                $result2 = sql_query($sql2);
                for ($bi=0; $row2=sql_fetch_array($result2); $bi++) { // bi 는 board index
                <li><a href="<?php echo G5_BBS_URL ?>/board.php?bo_table=<?php echo $row2['bo_table'] ?>" class="gnb_2da"><?php echo $row2['bo_subject'] ?></a></li>
                <?php } ?>
      <div class="clear"></div>    
        <?php } ?>
        <?php if ($gi == 0) {  ?><li class="gnb_empty">생성된 메뉴가 없습니다.</li><?php }  ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
 $.fn.Mmenu = function(options) {
  var opts = $.extend(options);
  var Mmenu = $(this);
  var MmenuList = Mmenu.find('>ul>li');
  var subMenuBox = Mmenu.find('.subMenuBox');
  var subMenuBoxList = subMenuBox.find('>ul>li');
  var menuwidth = $(this).width();
  function showMenu() {
   t = $(this).parent('li');
   subwidth = t.find('.subMenuBox').width();
   if (!t.hasClass('active')) {
    if (t.position().left + t.find('.subMenuBox').width() > menuwidth) {
     t.find('.subMenuBox').show().css({left:subwidth}).animate({left: (menuwidth - subwidth)-10}, 400);
    } else {
     t.find('.subMenuBox').show().css({left:subwidth}).animate( { left: t.position().left}, 400 );
  function hideMenu() {
  function activeMenu() {
   if(opts.ok1) {
    t = MmenuList.eq(opts.ok1-1); 
    subwidth = t.find('.subMenuBox').width();
    if (t.position().left + t.find('.subMenuBox').width() > menuwidth) {
     t.find('.subMenuBox').show().css({left:subwidth}).animate({left: (menuwidth - subwidth)-10}, 400);
    } else {
     t.find('.subMenuBox').show().css({left:subwidth}).animate( { left: t.position().left}, 400 );
  return this.each(function() {
<script type="text/javascript"> 
 $('#topmenu .wrap').Mmenu({ ok1: 0 });

$('div.menubg a').click(function(){
 var bgBgCol = jQuery(this).attr('href');
 var menuHeight = jQuery(this).attr('mheight');
  $('div.menubg a').removeClass('current');
  $('#topmenu,,.wrap,#topmenu a.active,#mainmenu li.ok1').height(menuHeight);
       $('#topmenu .wrap').height(menuHeight + 30);
   $('#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox').css({top:menuHeight+'px'}).height(30);
 return false;


// style.css //

#topmenu {height:73px;background:url(./bg_topmenu.jpg) repeat-x 0 0; text-align:center;}
#topmenu .wrap {position:relative;height:73px;overflow:hidden; width:980px; margin:0 auto;}
#topmenu .wrap ul{position:relative;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;} 
#topmenu .wrap ul:after{content:""; display:block; float:none; clear:both;}
#topmenu .wrap ul li{float:left;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;height:35px;}
#topmenu .wrap ul li.active{color:#000;background:transparent;border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;}
#topmenu .wrap ul li a{height:37px; display:block;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;padding:0 25px 5px 20px;color:#000000;font:normal 12px dotum, dotum;letter-spacing:0px;display:inline-block;line-height:43px; font-weight:bold;} /* 1차메뉴 진하게 */
#topmenu .wrap ul li a:hover{color:#000;}
#topmenu .wrap ul li.active a {color:#000;} 
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox{display:none;position:absolute;left:0;top:43px; height:30px;margin:0;padding:0;filter:alpha(opacity=70);opacity:0.7;background:transparent;border-radius:0 0 5px 5px;-webkit-border-radius:0 0 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:0 0 5px 5px;}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul,#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li{margin:0;padding:0;background:none}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li {height:30px;}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li a{margin:0;padding:0 12px;font:normal 11px dotum, dotum;letter-spacing:-1px;color:#000000;height:30px;line-height:32px;display:inline-block}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li a:hover{color:#000000;}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li a.active,#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li a:active{color:#7afc00;}
#topmenu .wrap div.subMenuBox ul li.on a{text-decoration:underline;}

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(주)에스아이알소프트 / 대표:홍석명 / (06211) 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리24 서관 1404호 / E-Mail: admin@sir.kr
사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)