짱감사드립니다^^ 순서변경이라든지 관리자에서 수정할때 좋았는데 아닐수도 있겠지만요.
그런데요 운영자님
SELECT od_b_zip1, od_b_zip2, od_b_addr1, od_b_addr2, od_b_name, od_b_tel, od_b_hp, it_name, ct_qty, b.it_id, a.od_id, od_memo, od_invoice, b.it_opt1, b.it_opt2, b.it_opt3, b.it_opt4, b.it_opt5, b.it_opt6, od_receipt_bank, od_receipt_card, od_st_5, od_st_product FROM g5_shop_order a, g5_shop_cart b, g5_shop_item c where a.od_id = b.od_id and b.it_id = c.it_id and b.ct_status = '주문' order by od_time asc
1052 : Column 'it_name' in field list is ambiguous
>>it_opt1 상품옵션 이름이랑 it_name 에러나는데요 왜그럴까요??