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[Fri May 19 19:52:34.957972 2017] [:error] [pid 17786] [client] PHP Notice:  Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/html/plugin/torrent/bencode.php on line 145
[Fri May 19 19:52:34.958075 2017] [:error] [pid 17786] [client] PHP Notice:  Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/html/plugin/torrent/bencode.php on line 160
[Fri May 19 19:52:34.958094 2017] [:error] [pid 17786] [client] PHP Notice:  Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/html/plugin/torrent/bencode.php on line 65


TorrentEditor.com API - Simple API to modify torrents
Copyright (C) 2009  Tyler Alvord
Web: http://torrenteditor.com
IRC: #torrenteditor.com on efnet.org  
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class BEncode
    public static function &decode( &$raw, &$offset=0 )
        if ( $offset >= strlen( $raw ) )
            return new BEncode_Error( "Decoder exceeded max length." ) ;
        $char = $raw[$offset];
        switch ( $char )
            case 'i':
                $int = new BEncode_Int();
                $int->decode( $raw, $offset );
                return $int;
            case 'd':
                $dict = new BEncode_Dictionary();
                if ( $check = $dict->decode( $raw, $offset ) )
                    return $check;
                return $dict;
            case 'l':
                $list = new BEncode_List();
                $list->decode( $raw, $offset );
                return $list;
            case 'e':
                $ret = new BEncode_End(); 
                    return $ret; 
            case '0':
            case is_numeric( $char ):
                $str = new BEncode_String();
                $str->decode( $raw, $offset );
                return $str;
                return new BEncode_Error( "Decoder encountered unknown char '$char' at offset $offset." );
class BEncode_End
    public function get_type()
        return 'end';
class BEncode_Error
    private $error;
    public function BEncode_Error( $error )
        $this->error = $error;
    public function get_plain()
        return $this->error;
    public function get_type()
        return 'error';
class BEncode_Int
    private $value;
    public function BEncode_Int( $value = null )
        $this->value = $value;
    public function decode( &$raw, &$offset )
            $end = strpos( $raw, 'e', $offset );
            $this->value = substr( $raw, ++$offset, $end - $offset );
            $offset += ( $end - $offset );
    public function get_plain()
        return $this->value;
    public function get_type()
        return 'int';
    public function encode()
        return "i{$this->value}e";
    public function set( $value )
        $this->value = $value;
class BEncode_Dictionary
    public $value = array();
    public function decode( &$raw, &$offset )
            $dictionary = array();
            while ( true )
                $name = BEncode::decode( $raw, ++$offset );
                if ( $name->get_type() == 'end' )
                else if ( $name->get_type() == 'error' )
                    return $name;
                else if ( $name->get_type() != 'string' )
                    return new BEncode_Error( "Key name in dictionary was not a string." );
                $value = BEncode::decode( $raw, ++$offset );
                if ( $value->get_type() == 'error' )
                    return $value;
                $dictionary[$name->get_plain()] = $value;
            $this->value = $dictionary;
    public function get_value( $key )
        if ( isset( $this->value[$key] ) )
            return $this->value[$key];
            return null;
    public function encode()
        $encoded = 'd';
        while ( list( $key, $value ) = each( $this->value ) )
            $bstr = new BEncode_String();
            $bstr->set( $key );
            $encoded .= $bstr->encode();
            $encoded .= $value->encode();
        $encoded .= 'e';
        return $encoded;
    public function get_type()
        return 'dictionary';
    public function remove( $key )
        unset( $this->value[$key] );
    public function set( $key, $value )
        $this->value[$key] = $value;
    private function sort()
        ksort( $this->value );
    public function count()
        return count( $this->value );
class BEncode_List
    private $value = array();
    public function add( $bval )
        array_push( $this->value, $bval );
    public function decode( &$raw, &$offset )
            $list = array();
            while ( true )
                $value = BEncode::decode( $raw, ++$offset );
                if ( $value->get_type() == 'end' )
                else if ( $value->get_type() == 'error' )
                    return $value;
                array_push( $list, $value );
            $this->value = $list;
    public function encode()
        $encoded = 'l';
        for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->value ); ++$i )
            $encoded .= $this->value[$i]->encode();
        $encoded .= 'e';
        return $encoded;
    public function get_plain()
        return $this->value;
    public function get_type()
        return 'list';
class BEncode_String
    private $value;
    public function BEncode_String( $value = null )
        $this->value = $value;
    public function decode( &$raw, &$offset )
            $end = strpos( $raw, ':', $offset );
            $len = substr( $raw, $offset, $end - $offset );
            $offset += ($len + ($end - $offset));
            $this->value = substr( $raw, $end, $len );
    public function get_plain()
        return $this->value;
    public function get_type()
        return 'string';
    public function encode()
        $len = strlen( $this->value );
        return  "$len:{$this->value}";
    public function set( $value )
        $this->value = $value;





라인 65:                 return new BEncode_Error( "Decoder encountered unknown char '$char' at offset $offset." );


라인 145:                 $name = BEncode::decode( $raw, ++$offset );


라인 160:                $value = BEncode::decode( $raw, ++$offset );



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