어제 하찌님이 알려주셔서 pc버젼에는 잘 적용햇는데

어제 하찌님이 알려주셔서 pc버젼에는 잘 적용햇는데


어제 하찌님이 알려주셔서 pc버젼에는 잘 적용햇는데


모바일스킨은 소스가 다르더라고요.. ㅠㅠ


<!-- 댓글 리스트 -->
<section id="bo_vc">
    for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++) {
        $comment_id = $list[$i]['wr_id'];
        $cmt_depth = ""; // 댓글단계
        $cmt_depth = strlen($list[$i]['wr_comment_reply']) * 20;
            $str = $list[$i]['content'];
            if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "secret"))
                $str = $str;
            $str = preg_replace("/\[\<a\s.*href\=\"(http|https|ftp|mms)\:\/\/([^[:space:]]+)\.(mp3|wma|wmv|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg)\".*\<\/a\>\]/i", "<script>doc_write(obj_movie('$1://$2.$3'));</script>", $str);
    <article id="c_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" <?php if ($cmt_depth) { ?>style="margin-left:<?php echo $cmt_depth ?>px;border-top-color:#e0e0e0"<?php } ?>>
            <h2><?php echo get_text($list[$i]['wr_name']); ?>님의 댓글<?php if ($cmt_depth) { ?><span class="sound_only">의 댓글</span><?php } ?></h2>
            <span class="comment_profile_img"><?php echo get_member_profile_img($list[$i]['mb_id'], 40, 40); ?></span> <?php echo $list[$i]['name'] ?>
            <?php if ($is_ip_view) { ?>
            <span class="sound_only">아이피</span>
            <span class="bo_vc_hdinfo">(<?php echo $list[$i]['ip']; ?>)</span>
            <?php } ?>
            <span class="sound_only">작성일</span>
            <span class="bo_vc_hdinfo"><time datetime="<?php echo date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+09:00', strtotime($list[$i]['datetime'])) ?>"><?php echo $list[$i]['datetime'] ?></time></span>
        <div class="cmt_contents">
            <!-- 댓글 출력 -->
                <?php if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "secret")) echo "<img src=\"".$board_skin_url."/img/icon_secret.gif\" alt=\"비밀글\">"; ?>
                <?php echo $str ?>

            <?php if($list[$i]['is_reply'] || $list[$i]['is_edit'] || $list[$i]['is_del']) {
                $query_string = clean_query_string($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

                if($w == 'cu') {
                    $sql = " select wr_id, wr_content, mb_id from $write_table where wr_id = '$c_id' and wr_is_comment = '1' ";
                    $cmt = sql_fetch($sql);
                    if (!($is_admin || ($member['mb_id'] == $cmt['mb_id'] && $cmt['mb_id'])))
                        $cmt['wr_content'] = '';
                    $c_wr_content = $cmt['wr_content'];

                $c_reply_href = './board.php?'.$query_string.'&c_id='.$comment_id.'&w=c#bo_vc_w';
                $c_edit_href = './board.php?'.$query_string.'&c_id='.$comment_id.'&w=cu#bo_vc_w';
                <ul class="bo_vc_act">
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_reply']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $c_reply_href; ?>" onclick="comment_box('<?php echo $comment_id ?>', 'c'); return false;">답변</a></li><?php } ?>
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_edit']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $c_edit_href; ?>" onclick="comment_box('<?php echo $comment_id ?>', 'cu'); return false;">수정</a></li><?php } ?>
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_del'])  { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $list[$i]['del_link']; ?>" onclick="return comment_delete();">삭제</a></li><?php } ?>
            <?php } ?>
            <span id="edit_<?php echo $comment_id ?>"></span><!-- 수정 -->
            <span id="reply_<?php echo $comment_id ?>"></span><!-- 답변 -->
        <input type="hidden" id="secret_comment_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" value="<?php echo strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'],"secret") ?>">
        <textarea id="save_comment_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" style="display:none"><?php echo get_text($list[$i]['content1'], 0) ?></textarea>

    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ($i == 0) { //댓글이 없다면 ?><p id="bo_vc_empty">등록된 댓글이 없습니다.</p><?php } ?>




요럴때는 어떻게 적용해야할지 여쭈어봅니다...


코멘트에서 문구가 나오는곳만 로그인후 이용가능합니다. 라고 표현하고 싶어서요


위에 적색글씨부분이 문구출력부분인것같은데 잘몰라여쭈어보니다.

이 질문에 댓글 쓰기 :

답변 1

<!-- 댓글 리스트 -->
<section id="bo_vc">
    for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++) {
        $comment_id = $list[$i]['wr_id'];
        $cmt_depth = ""; // 댓글단계
        $cmt_depth = strlen($list[$i]['wr_comment_reply']) * 20;
            $str = $list[$i]['content'];
            $str = "로그인후 이용가능합니다";
            if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "secret"))
                $str = $str;
            $str = preg_replace("/\[\<a\s.*href\=\"(http|https|ftp|mms)\:\/\/([^[:space:]]+)\.(mp3|wma|wmv|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg)\".*\<\/a\>\]/i", "<script>doc_write(obj_movie('$1://$2.$3'));</script>", $str);
    <article id="c_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" <?php if ($cmt_depth) { ?>style="margin-left:<?php echo $cmt_depth ?>px;border-top-color:#e0e0e0"<?php } ?>>
            <h2><?php echo get_text($list[$i]['wr_name']); ?>님의 댓글<?php if ($cmt_depth) { ?><span class="sound_only">의 댓글</span><?php } ?></h2>
            <span class="comment_profile_img"><?php echo get_member_profile_img($list[$i]['mb_id'], 40, 40); ?></span> <?php echo $list[$i]['name'] ?>
            <?php if ($is_ip_view) { ?>
            <span class="sound_only">아이피</span>
            <span class="bo_vc_hdinfo">(<?php echo $list[$i]['ip']; ?>)</span>
            <?php } ?>
            <span class="sound_only">작성일</span>
            <span class="bo_vc_hdinfo"><time datetime="<?php echo date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+09:00', strtotime($list[$i]['datetime'])) ?>"><?php echo $list[$i]['datetime'] ?></time></span>
        <div class="cmt_contents">
            <!-- 댓글 출력 -->
                <?php if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "secret")) echo "<img src=\"".$board_skin_url."/img/icon_secret.gif\" alt=\"비밀글\">"; ?>
                <?php echo $str ?>
            <?php if($list[$i]['is_reply'] || $list[$i]['is_edit'] || $list[$i]['is_del']) {
                $query_string = clean_query_string($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
                if($w == 'cu') {
                    $sql = " select wr_id, wr_content, mb_id from $write_table where wr_id = '$c_id' and wr_is_comment = '1' ";
                    $cmt = sql_fetch($sql);
                    if (!($is_admin || ($member['mb_id'] == $cmt['mb_id'] && $cmt['mb_id'])))
                        $cmt['wr_content'] = '';
                    $c_wr_content = $cmt['wr_content'];
                $c_reply_href = './board.php?'.$query_string.'&c_id='.$comment_id.'&w=c#bo_vc_w';
                $c_edit_href = './board.php?'.$query_string.'&c_id='.$comment_id.'&w=cu#bo_vc_w';
                <ul class="bo_vc_act">
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_reply']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $c_reply_href; ?>" onclick="comment_box('<?php echo $comment_id ?>', 'c'); return false;">답변</a></li><?php } ?>
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_edit']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $c_edit_href; ?>" onclick="comment_box('<?php echo $comment_id ?>', 'cu'); return false;">수정</a></li><?php } ?>
                    <?php if ($list[$i]['is_del'])  { ?><li><a href="<?php echo $list[$i]['del_link']; ?>" onclick="return comment_delete();">삭제</a></li><?php } ?>
            <?php } ?>
            <span id="edit_<?php echo $comment_id ?>"></span><!-- 수정 -->
            <span id="reply_<?php echo $comment_id ?>"></span><!-- 답변 -->
        <input type="hidden" id="secret_comment_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" value="<?php echo strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'],"secret") ?>">
        <textarea id="save_comment_<?php echo $comment_id ?>" style="display:none"><?php echo get_text($list[$i]['content1'], 0) ?></textarea>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ($i == 0) { //댓글이 없다면 ?><p id="bo_vc_empty">등록된 댓글이 없습니다.</p><?php } ?>


이렇게 해보세요 ^^

답변을 작성하시기 전에 로그인 해주세요.
전체 88
QA 내용 검색


(주)에스아이알소프트 / 대표:홍석명 / (06211) 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리24 서관 1404호 / E-Mail: admin@sir.kr
사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)