g4용 메뉴을 g5로 수정하였는데. 에러. 고수님들 한수 지도부탁

g4용 메뉴을 g5로 수정하였는데. 에러. 고수님들 한수 지도부탁


g4용 메뉴을 g5로 수정하였는데. 에러. 고수님들 한수 지도부탁


오류가 나는곳의 주소를 알려주시면 더 빠르고 정확하게 답변 받을 수 있습니다.

오류 주소 : 제가 만든것은 아님. 어떤분이 만들어 놓은 스킨임을 밝혀둠..

$home_ex_main = "'help','company'";  // 제외그룹 gr_id  'gr_01','gr_02','gr_03','gr_04' 식으로 추가하시면됩니다
$home_ex_board = "'0305'";  // 제외게시판 bo_table
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$g5[path]?>/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
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$("ul.topnav_m li a").mouseover(function() {
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.uMenu li {display:inline; background:url('<?=$g5[path]?>/zang/includede/xtx_menu/xtx_topmenu2_img/bu_uMenu.gif') no-repeat left center;; padding-left:5px; padding-right:6px; padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0}

.menunb {position:relative; z-index:9999;}
/* 전체메뉴 설정 */
.menunb .mallMenuView {position:absolute; top:13px; right:15px; clear:both; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px; font-style:normal;font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; padding-left:10px; background:url('<?=$g5[path]?>/zang/includede/xtx_menu/xtx_topmenu2_img/plus.gif') no-repeat left center;}
/* 전체메뉴의 sub 메뉴설정 */
.menunb .mallMenu {display:none; position:absolute; text-align:left; top:45px; left:0; width:615px; *width:613px; padding:15px; font-size:12px; background:#f9f9f9;  z-index:99999;}
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/* 메인메뉴 설정 */
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<div class="m_main">
<div class="topmenuheader">
<div class="menunb black">
<ul class="topnav_m">
$sql = "select gr_id, gr_subject, gr_1 from $g5[group_table] where gr_id not in ($home_ex_main) order by gr_1";
$rst1 = sql_query($sql);
for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($rst1); $i++){
$sqlp2 = "select * from $g5[board_table] where gr_id = '$row[gr_id]' and bo_table not in ($home_ex_board) order by bo_order_search asc";
                    $qryp2 = sql_query($sqlp2);
                    for ($j=0; $rowp2=sql_fetch_array($qryp2); $j++) {
$tmp_write_table = $g5['write_prefix'] . $rowp2[bo_table];
$new_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $g5[server_time] - (60*60)); // 한시간
$new_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $g5[server_time] - (60*60*24)); // 24시간
$tmp_row2 = " select count(wr_id) as cnt from $tmp_write_table where wr_is_comment > -1 and wr_datetime > '$new_datetime'";
$tmp_row = sql_fetch($tmp_row2);
$trdwos = array ("0" => "");
$dwos=strtr($tmp_row[cnt], $trdwos);
$n_img='<img style="position: absolute; top:-10px; display:block; left:110px; z-index:99999;" src="'.$g5[path].'/xtx_menu/xtx_topmenu2_img/hot2.gif"/>';
if($dwos > 0){echo $n_img;}
<li class="<? if($row[gr_id]==$gr_id){echo 'active';}?>"><a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/group.php?gr_id=<?=$row[gr_id]?>" class="headLink"><?=$row[gr_subject]?></a><span></span>

<ul class="subnav">
$sql2 = "select bo_table, bo_subject, bo_category_list from $g5[board_table] where gr_id = '$row[gr_id]' and bo_table not in ($home_ex_board) order by bo_order_search ";
$rst2 = sql_query($sql2);
for ($j=0; $row2=sql_fetch_array($rst2); $j++){

<? if($row2['bo_table']==com){ ?>
<li><a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/group_sub.php?bo_table=<?=$row2[bo_table]?>"><?=$row2[bo_subject]?></a></li>
<?}else if($row2['bo_table']==incin){?>
<li><a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/group_sub.php?bo_table=<?=$row2[bo_table]?>"><?=$row2[bo_subject]?></a></li>
 <li><a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/board.php?bo_table=<?=$row2[bo_table]?>"><?=$row2[bo_subject]?></a></li>

<a href="#" class="mallMenuView">&nbsp;전체메뉴</a>
<div class="mallMenu">
<div class="clear"></div>
$sql7 = "select a.gr_id, a.gr_subject, a.gr_use_access, b.mb_id from $g5[group_table] as a left join $g5[group_member_table] as b on a.gr_id = b.gr_id where  (b.mb_id = '$member[mb_id]' and a.gr_use_access = '1' ) or a.gr_use_access = '0'  order by a.gr_1";
$sql7 = "select gr_id, gr_subject, gr_1 from $g5[group_table] where gr_id not in ($home_ex_main) order by gr_1";
$rst7 = sql_query($sql7);
for ($i=0; $row=sql_fetch_array($rst7); $i++){
<dt>⊙ <a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/group.php?gr_id=<?=$row[gr_id]?>"><?=$row[gr_subject]?></a></dt>
$sql8 = "select bo_table, bo_subject, bo_category_list from $g5[board_table] where gr_id = '$row[gr_id]' and bo_table not in ($home_ex_board) order by bo_order_search ";
$rst8 = sql_query($sql8);
for ($j=0; $row2=sql_fetch_array($rst8); $j++){
<dd><img src="<?=$g5[path]?>/xtx_menu/xtx_topmenu2_img/icon_0<? $ran_s=mt_rand(1,6);echo "$ran_s";?>.gif" width="11" height="11" alt=""> <a href="<?=$g5[bbs_path]?>/board.php?bo_table=<?=$row2[bo_table]?>"><?=$row2[bo_subject]?></a></dd>
<a href="#" class="mallMenuClose">
<img src="<?=$g5[path]?>/xtx_menu/xtx_topmenu2_img/btn_close.gif" alt="닫기"></a> </div>

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답변 1

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전체 76
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(주)에스아이알소프트 / 대표:홍석명 / (06211) 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리24 서관 1404호 / E-Mail: admin@sir.kr
사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)