리스트부분인데 제목 미출력

리스트부분인데 제목 미출력


리스트부분인데 제목 미출력


리스트 페이지에 제목 부분만 삭제하고싶습니다..... 초보라서

하나하나 삭제하며 확인중인데... 못찾다가.. 이렇게 글 남깁니다 ㅠ





 * Bechu-Basic Skin for Gnuboard4
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Choi Jae-Young <www.miwit.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  *** 개인정보보호를 위한 전화번호 노출방지 ***  USA

if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가

$mw_is_list = true;
$mw_is_view = false;
$mw_is_write = false;
$mw_is_comment = false;

$list_run_time = get_microtime();

$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php");

if ($board['bo_use_list_view'] && $wr_id) {
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /mw.proc/mw.seo.php");

if (is_g5()) add_stylesheet("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$board_skin_path}/g5.css\"/>");

$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_bomb()");

// 실명인증 & 성인인증
if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_list] && !is_okname()) {
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] check_okname()");

// 컨텐츠샵 멤버쉽
if (function_exists("mw_cash_is_membership")) {
    $is_membership = _cash_is_membership($member[mb_id], $bo_table, "mp_list");
    if ($is_membership == "no")
    else if ($is_membership != "ok")
        //alert("$is_membership 회원만 이용 가능합니다.");
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_cash_is_membership");

// 지업로더로 업로드한 파일
// 하루지난 데이터 삭제 (글작성 완료되지 않은..)
if ($mw_basic[cf_guploader]) {
    $gup_old = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $g4[server_time] - 86400);
    $sql = "select * from $mw[guploader_table] where bf_datetime <= '$gup_old'";
    $qry = sql_query($sql, false);
    while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
    sql_query("delete from $mw[guploader_table] where bf_datetime <= '$gup_old'", false);
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] guploader delete files..");

// 카테고리
$is_category = false;
if ($board[bo_use_category]) 
    $is_category = true;
    $category_location = mw_seo_url($bo_table, 0, "&sca=");
    $category_option = mw_get_category_option($bo_table); // SELECT OPTION 태그로 넘겨받음

    if ($mw_basic[cf_default_category] && !$sca) $sca = $mw_basic[cf_default_category];

// page 변수 중복 제거
$qstr = preg_replace("/&page=([0-9]+)?/", "", $qstr);
$qstr = preg_replace("/&page=([0-9]+)?/", "", $qstr);
$qstr = preg_replace("/amp;/", "", $qstr);
$qstr = preg_replace("/&/", "&", $qstr);

if (is_g5())  {
    $page_url = mw_seo_url($bo_table, 0, $qstr);
    if (!$qstr)
        $page_url.= '?';
else {
    $page_url = mw_seo_url($bo_table, 0, $qstr."&page=");

$write_pages = get_paging($config[cf_write_pages], $page, $total_page, $page_url);

// 이전,다음 검색시 페이지 번호 제거
$prev_part_href = preg_replace("/(\&page=.*)/", "", $prev_part_href);
$next_part_href = preg_replace("/(\&page=.*)/", "", $next_part_href);

// 1:1 게시판
if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "1:1" && !$is_admin) {
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] require /mw.proc/mw.list.1n1.php");

// 익명 게시판
if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "anonymous") {
    if (strstr($sfl, "mb_id") || strstr($sfl, "wr_name")) {
        alert("익명게시판에서는 회원아이디 또는 이름으로 검색하실 수 없습니다.");

if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous]) {
    if (strstr($sfl, "mb_id") || strstr($sfl, "wr_name")) {
        alert("익명작성이 가능한 게시판에서는 회원아이디 또는 이름으로 검색하실 수 없습니다.");

if ($mw_basic['cf_search_name'] > $member['mb_level']) {
    if (strstr($sfl, "mb_id") || strstr($sfl, "wr_name")) {
        alert("회원아이디 또는 이름으로 검색하실 수 없습니다.");

// 글쓰기 버튼에 분류저장
if ($sca && $write_href)
    $write_href .= "&sca=".urlencode($sca);

// 글쓰기 버튼 공지
if ($write_href && $mw_basic[cf_write_notice]) {
    $write_href = "javascript:btn_write_notice('$write_href');";

// 선택옵션으로 인해 셀합치기가 가변적으로 변함
$colspan = 5;
if ($is_category) $colspan++;
if ($is_checkbox) $colspan++;
if ($is_good) $colspan++;
if ($is_nogood) $colspan++;
if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) $colspan+=3;
if ($mw_basic[cf_contents_shop]) $colspan++;
if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "thumb") $colspan++;
if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall") $colspan = $board[bo_gallery_cols];
else if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "qna") $colspan += 2;

// 목록 셔플
if ($mw_basic[cf_list_shuffle]) { // 공지사항 제외 처리
    $tmp_notice = array();
    $tmp_list = array();
    for ($i=0, $m=sizeof($list); $i<$m; $i++) {
        if ($list[$i][is_notice])
            $tmp_notice[] = $list[$i];
            $tmp_list[] = $list[$i];
    $list = array_merge($tmp_notice, $tmp_list);

$list_count = sizeof($list);

$list_id = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$list_count; $i++) { $list_id[] = $list[$i][wr_id]; }

// 설문 아이콘 표시용
$vote_id = array();
if ($mw_basic[cf_vote] && $list_count) {
    $sql = "select wr_id, vt_id from $mw[vote_table] where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id in (".implode(',', $list_id).")";
    $qry = sql_query($sql);
    while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
        $vote_id[] = $row[wr_id];
        // 잘못된 설문 db 보완
        $row2 = sql_fetch("select count(*) as cnt from $mw[vote_item_table] where vt_id = '$row[vt_id]'");
        if (!$row2[cnt])
            sql_query("delete from $mw[vote_table] where vt_id = '$row[vt_id]'");
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] vote icon and db check");

// 퀴즈 아이콘 표시용
$quiz_id = array();
if ($mw_basic[cf_quiz] && $mw_quiz && $list_count) {
    $sql = "select wr_id, qz_id from $mw_quiz[quiz_table] where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id in (".implode(',', $list_id).")";
    $qry = sql_query($sql, false);
    while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
        $quiz_id[] = $row[wr_id];
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] quiz icon ");

// 자폭 아이콘 표시용
$bomb_id = array();
if ($mw_basic[cf_bomb_level] && $list_count) {
    $sql = "select wr_id from $mw[bomb_table] where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id in (".implode(',', $list_id).")";
    $qry = sql_query($sql, false);
    while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
        $bomb_id[] = $row[wr_id];
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] bomb icon ");

$new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $g4[server_time] - ($board[bo_new] * 3600));
$row = sql_fetch(" select count(*) as cnt from $write_table where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_datetime >= '$new_time' ");
$new_count = $row[cnt];
$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] new_count");

// 제목이 두줄로 표시되는 경우 이 코드를 사용해 보세요.
// <nobr style='display:block; overflow:hidden; width:000px;'>제목</nobr>
if (is_reaction_test())
echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0">';

<?php if (!defined("_MW5_")) { ?>
<link href="<?php echo $board_skin_path?>/mw.css/font-awesome-4.3.0/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">
<?php } ?>

<? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "desc" || $mw_basic[cf_type] == "thumb") { // 요약형, 썸네일형일경우 제목 볼드 ?>
<style type="text/css">
#mw_basic .mw_basic_list_subject a { font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; }
<? } ?>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$board_skin_path?>/style.common.css?<?=filemtime("$board_skin_path/style.common.css")?>" type="text/css">
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_social_commerce]) { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == 'gall') { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$social_commerce_path?>/style-gall.css" type="text/css">
    <? } else { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$social_commerce_path?>/style.css" type="text/css">
    <? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_talent_market]) { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == 'gall') { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$talent_market_path?>/style-gall.css" type="text/css">
    <? } else { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$talent_market_path?>/style.css" type="text/css">
    <? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_contents_shop]) { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == 'gall') { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$mw_cash['path']?>/list-style-gall.css" type="text/css">
    <? } else { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$mw_cash['path']?>/list-style.css" type="text/css">
    <? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == 'gall') { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$reward_path?>/list-style-gall.css" type="text/css">
    <? } else { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$reward_path?>/list-style.css" type="text/css">
    <? } ?>
<? } ?>

<?php include_once($board_skin_path."/mw.proc/mw.asset.php")?>

<!-- 게시판 목록 시작 -->
<table width="<?=$bo_table_width?>" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td id=mw_basic>

if (!is_reaction_test())
if ($mw_basic[cf_include_head] && is_mw_file($mw_basic[cf_include_head]) && strstr($mw_basic[cf_include_head_page], '/l/')) {
    if (!strstr($mw_basic[cf_include_head_page], '/v/') && $wr_id)
    else {
        $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include mw_basic[cf_include_head]");

if ($mw_basic['cf_bbs_banner']) {
    include_once("$bbs_banner_path/list.skin.php"); // 게시판 배너
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] bbs_banner_path/list.skin.php");

$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] /mw.proc/mw.list.hot.skin.php");

<!-- 분류 셀렉트 박스, 게시물 몇건, 관리자화면 링크 -->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr height="25">
        <form name="fcategory" method="get" style="margin:0;">
        <? if ($is_category && !$mw_basic[cf_category_tab]) { ?>
            <select name=sca onchange="location='<?=$category_location?>'+this.value;">
            <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_default_category]) { ?> <option value=''>전체</option> <? } ?>
        <? } ?>
        <? if (($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall" || $mw_basic[cf_social_commerce] || $mw_basic[cf_talent_market]) && $is_checkbox) { ?>
            <input onclick="if (this.checked) all_checked(true); else all_checked(false);" type=checkbox>

    <td align="right">
        <?php include($board_skin_path."/mw.proc/mw.top.button.php")?>
<tr><td height=5></td></tr>

$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] /mw.proc/mw.notice.top.php");
$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] /mw.proc/mw.search.top.php");
$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] /mw.proc/mw.cash.membership.skin.php");

if ($is_category && $mw_basic[cf_category_tab]) {
    $category_list = array_map("trim", explode("|", $board[bo_category_list]));
    if ($mw_basic['cf_ca_order']) {
<div class="category_tab">
    $i = 1;
    $l = 6; // 탭갯수
    $p = 10; // 이 값이 넘어가면 라인이 추가되기 시작
    if (mw_is_mobile_builder() or G5_IS_MOBILE) {
        $l = 3; // 모바일 탭갯수
        $p = 5; // 모바일 이 값이 넘어가면 라인이 추가되기 시작
    $m = sizeof($category_list);
    if (!$mw_basic['cf_default_category']) {
        echo "<li";
        if (!$sca) echo " class='selected'";
        echo "><a href=\"".mw_seo_url($bo_table)."\">전체</a></li>";
    //for ($m=sizeof($category_list); $i<$m; ++$i) {
    foreach ($category_list as $cate) {
        echo "<li";
        if (urldecode($sca) == $cate) echo " class='selected'";
        echo "><a href=\"". mw_seo_url($bo_table, 0, "&sca=".urlencode($cate))."\">";
        echo $cate."</a></li>";

        if ($m>=$p && $i++%$l==0 && $i<=$m) echo "</ul><ul>";
    //$rest = $l-(($i-1)%$l);
    $rest = ceil(($i-1)/$l)*$l-($i-1);
    if ($rest > 0 and $m >= $p) {
        for ($z=0; $z<$rest; ++$z) {
            echo "<li class='none'> </li>\n";
<? } ?>

<!-- 제목 -->
<form name="fboardlist" id="fboardlist" method="post">
<input type='hidden' name='bo_table' value='<?=$bo_table?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='sfl'  value='<?=$sfl?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='stx'  value='<?=$stx?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='spt'  value='<?=$spt?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='sca'  value='<?=$sca?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='page' value='<?=$page?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='sw' id='sw'  value=''>
<input type='hidden' name='btn_submit' id='btn_submit'  value=''>

<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td colspan=<?=$colspan?> height=1 class=mw_basic_line_color></td></tr>
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] != "gall" && !$mw_basic[cf_social_commerce] && !$mw_basic[cf_talent_market]) { ?>
<tr class=mw_basic_list_title>
    <? if ($is_checkbox) { ?><td width=40><input onclick="if (this.checked) all_checked(true); else all_checked(false);" type=checkbox></td><?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_num]) { ?><td width=60 class="media-no-text">번호</td><? } ?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic['cf_list_cate'] && $is_category) {?> <td width="80" class="media-no-text">분류</td> <? }?> 
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_name] && $mw_basic['cf_name_location']) { ?> <? if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] != "anonymous") { ?> <td width=95 class="media-no-text">글쓴이</td> <?}?> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "thumb") { ?><td width="<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]+20?>" class="thumb_td"> 이미지 </td><?}?>
    <?php if ($mw_basic['cf_type'] != 'desc') { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) { ?> <td width=70 class="media-no-text">충전</td> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) { ?> <td width=50 class="media-no-text">마감</td> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) { ?> <td width=50 class="media-no-text">상태</td> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_contents_shop]) { ?> <td width=80 class="media-no-text"><?=$mw_cash[cf_cash_name]?></td> <?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_name] && !$mw_basic['cf_name_location']) { ?> <? if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] != "anonymous") { ?> <td width=95 class="media-no-text">글쓴이</td> <?}?> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "qna") { ?> <td width=50 class="media-no-text">상태</td> <?}?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "qna" && $mw_basic[cf_qna_point_use]) { ?> <td width=40 class="media-no-text">포인트</td> <?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_date]) { ?> <td width=70 class="media-no-text">날짜</td> <?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_list_good] && $is_good) { ?><td width=40 class="media-no-text"><?=subject_sort_link('wr_good', $qstr2, 1)?>추천</a></td><?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_list_nogood] && $is_nogood) { ?><td width=40 class="media-no-text"><?=subject_sort_link('wr_nogood', $qstr2, 1)?>비추천</a></td><?}?>
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_hit]) { ?> <td width=70 class="media-no-text"><?=subject_sort_link('wr_hit', $qstr2, 1)?>조회</a></td> <?}?>
    <?php } // $mw_basic['cf_type'] != 'desc' ?>
<tr><td colspan=<?=$colspan?> height=1 class=mw_basic_line_color></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=<?=$colspan?> height=3 style="background-color:#efefef;"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=<?=$colspan?> height=3 style=""></td></tr>
<? } ?>
<? if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall") { ?> <tr><td colspan=<?=$colspan?> height=10></td></tr> <? } ?>

<!-- 목록 -->
<? $mw_membership = array(); ?>
<? $mw_membership_icon = array(); ?>

$line_number = 0;
for ($i=0,$list_size=count($list); $i<$list_size; ++$i) {

$list[$i] = mw_list_icon($list[$i]);

$html = 0;
if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "html1"))
    $html = 1;
else if (strstr($list[$i]['wr_option'], "html2"))
    $html = 2;

if ($mw_basic[cf_include_list_main] && is_mw_file($mw_basic[cf_include_list_main])) {

mw_basic_move_cate($bo_table, $list[$i][wr_id]);
$list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_basic_move_cate()");

$reply = $list[$i]['wr_reply'];

$list[$i]['reply'] = "";
if (strlen($reply) > 0) {
    for ($k=0; $k<strlen($reply); $k++)
        $list[$i]['reply'] .= '    ';

$ca_color = '';
if ($sca && $mw_category) {
    $ca_color = $mw_category['ca_color'];
else {
    if (!$mw_category_list[$list[$i]['ca_name']])
        $mw_category_list[$list[$i]['ca_name']] = mw_category_info($list[$i]['ca_name']);

    $ca_color = $mw_category_list[$list[$i]['ca_name']]['ca_color'];

$ca_color_style = '';
if ($ca_color)
    $ca_color_style = " style='color:#{$ca_color}' ";

// 댓글감춤
if ($list[$i][wr_comment_hide])
    $list[$i][comment_cnt] = 0;

// 호칭
$list[$i][name] = get_name_title($list[$i][name], $list[$i][wr_name]);
$list[$i][name] = mw_sideview($list[$i][name]);

$list[$i]['subject'] = $list[$i]['wr_subject'];
$list[$i]['subject'] = mw_reg_str($list[$i]['subject']);
$list[$i]['subject'] = bc_code($list[$i]['subject'], 0);
$list[$i]['subject'] = conv_subject($list[$i]['subject'], $board['bo_subject_len'], "…");
if (strstr($sfl, 'subject')) {
    $list[$i]['subject'] = search_font($stx, $list[$i]['subject']);

// 멤버쉽 아이콘
if (function_exists("mw_cash_membership_icon") && $list[$i][mb_id] != $config[cf_admin])
    if (!in_array($list[$i][mb_id], $mw_membership)) {
        $mw_membership[] = $list[$i][mb_id];
        $mw_membership_icon[$list[$i][mb_id]] = mw_cash_membership_icon($list[$i][mb_id]);
        $list[$i][name] = $mw_membership_icon[$list[$i][mb_id]].$list[$i][name];
    else {
        $list[$i][name] = $mw_membership_icon[$list[$i][mb_id]].$list[$i][name];
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_cash_membership_icon()");

// 익명
if ($list[$i][wr_anonymous] or $mw_basic[cf_attribute] == "anonymous") {
    $list[$i][name] = "익명";
    $list[$i][wr_name] = $list[$i][name];

// 공지사항 상단
if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_top] && $mw_basic[cf_type] != 'gall') {
    if ($list[$i][is_notice]) continue;
    if (in_array($list[$i][wr_id], $notice_list) && !$stx) continue;

// 리워드
if ($mw_basic[cf_reward]) {
    $reward = sql_fetch("select * from $mw[reward_table] where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id = '{$list[$i][wr_id]}'");
    if ($reward[re_edate] != "0000-00-00" && $reward[re_edate] < $g4[time_ymd]) { // 날짜 지나면 종료
        sql_query("update $mw[reward_table] set re_status = '' where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id = '{$list[$i][wr_id]}'");
        $reward[re_status] = '';
    if ($reward[re_edate] == "0000-00-00")
        $reward[edate] = " ";
        $reward[edate] = substr($reward[re_edate], 5, 5);
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] reward");

// 컨텐츠샵
$mw_price = "";
if ($mw_basic[cf_contents_shop]) {
    if ($list[$i][is_notice])
        $mw_price = ' ';
    elseif (!$list[$i][wr_contents_price])
    $mw_price = "무료";
    $mw_price = number_format($list[$i][wr_contents_price]).$mw_cash[cf_cash_unit];

$list[$i] = mw_list_link($list[$i]);

// sns식 날짜표시
if ($mw_basic[cf_sns_datetime]) {
    $list[$i][datetime2] = "<span style='font-size:11px;'>".mw_basic_sns_date($list[$i][wr_datetime])."</span>";

if ($mw_basic['cf_time_list'])
    $list[$i]['datetime2'] = mw_get_date($list[$i]['wr_datetime'], $mw_basic['cf_time_list']);

// 공지사항 출력 항목
if ($mw_basic[cf_post_name]) $list[$i][name] = "";
if ($mw_basic[cf_post_date]) $list[$i][datetime2] = "";
if ($mw_basic[cf_post_hit]) $list[$i][wr_hit] = "";

if ($list[$i][is_notice]) {
    if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_name]) $list[$i][name] = "";
    if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_date]) $list[$i][datetime2] = "";
    if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_hit]) $list[$i][wr_hit] = "";
    if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_good]) $list[$i][wr_good] = "";
    if ($mw_basic[cf_notice_good]) $list[$i][wr_nogood] = "";

// 조회수, 추천수, 글번호에 세자리마다 컴마, 사용
if ($mw_basic[cf_comma]) {
    $list[$i][num] = @number_format($list[$i][num]);
    $list[$i][wr_hit] = @number_format($list[$i][wr_hit]);
    $list[$i][wr_good] = @number_format($list[$i][wr_good]);
    $list[$i][wr_nogood] = @number_format($list[$i][wr_nogood]);

// 신고된 게시물
$is_singo = false;
if ($list[$i][wr_singo] && $list[$i][wr_singo] >= $mw_basic[cf_singo_number] && $mw_basic[cf_singo_write_block]) {
    $list[$i][subject] = "신고가 접수된 게시물입니다.";
    $is_singo = true;

// 보기차단 게시물
if ($list[$i]['wr_view_block']) {
    $list[$i][subject] = "보기가 차단된 게시물입니다.";

// 게시물 아이콘
$write_icon = mw_write_icon($list[$i]);

// 썸네일
$thumb_file = mw_thumb_jpg($thumb_path.'/'.$list[$i]['wr_id']);
$thumb2_file = mw_thumb_jpg($thumb2_path.'/'.$list[$i]['wr_id']);
$thumb3_file = mw_thumb_jpg($thumb3_path.'/'.$list[$i]['wr_id']);
$thumb4_file = mw_thumb_jpg($thumb4_path.'/'.$list[$i]['wr_id']);
$thumb5_file = mw_thumb_jpg($thumb5_path.'/'.$list[$i]['wr_id']);

$set_width = $mw_basic[cf_thumb_width];
$set_height = $mw_basic[cf_thumb_height];

if (!$wr_id && !is_mw_file($thumb_file))
    $is_thumb = mw_make_thumbnail_row($bo_table, $list[$i]['wr_id'], $list[$i]['wr_content']);
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_make_thumbnail_row");

    if (!is_mw_file($thumb_file)) {
        if (preg_match("/youtu/i", $list[$i]['link'][1])) mw_get_youtube_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $list[$i]['link'][1]);
        else if (preg_match("/youtu/i", $list[$i]['link'][2])) mw_get_youtube_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $list[$i]['link'][2]);
        else if (preg_match("/vimeo/i", $list[$i]['link'][1])) mw_get_vimeo_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $list[$i]['link'][1]);
        else if (preg_match("/vimeo/i", $list[$i]['link'][2])) mw_get_vimeo_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $list[$i]['link'][2]);
        else {
            $pt = mw_youtube_pattern($list[$i]['wr_content']);
            if ($pt) {
                preg_match($pt, $list[$i]['wr_content'], $mat);
                mw_get_youtube_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $mat[1]);
            else {
                $pt = mw_vimeo_pattern($list[$i]['wr_content']);
                if ($pt) {
                    preg_match($pt, $list[$i]['wr_content'], $mat);
                    mw_get_vimeo_thumb($list[$i]['wr_id'], $mat[1]);
        $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] youtube or vimeo");
else {
    $thumb_size = @getimagesize($thumb_file);

    $set_width = $mw_basic[cf_thumb_width];
    $set_height = $mw_basic[cf_thumb_height];

    if ($mw_basic[cf_thumb_keep]) {
        //$size = @getimagesize($thumb_file);
        $size = mw_thumbnail_keep($thumb_size, $set_width, $set_height);
        $set_width = $size[0];
        $set_height = $size[1];

    if ($thumb_size[0]) {
        if ($thumb_size[0] != $set_width || $thumb_size[1] != $set_height) {
            thumb_log($thumb_file, 'list-resize');
            mw_make_thumbnail($mw_basic[cf_thumb_width], $mw_basic[cf_thumb_height],
                $thumb_file, $thumb_file, $mw_basic[cf_thumb_keep], $list[$i]['wr_datetime']);
            $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] resize thumbnail");

if ($mw_basic[cf_social_commerce])
    $a = include("$social_commerce_path/list.skin.php");    
    if (!$a) continue;
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /social_commerce/list.skin.php");
else if ($mw_basic[cf_talent_market])
    $a = include("$talent_market_path/list.skin.php");    
    if (!$a) continue;
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /talent_marekt/list.skin.php");
else if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall" && $mw_basic[cf_contents_shop])
    $a = include("{$mw_cash['path']}/list.skin.php");    
    if (!$a) continue;
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /cybercash/list.skin.php");
else if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall" && $mw_basic[cf_reward])
    $a = include("{$reward_path}/list.skin.php");    
    if (!$a) continue;
    $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /reward/list.skin.php");
else if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall")
    if (!is_g5() and $list[$i][is_notice]) continue;
    if (is_g5()) {
        $thumb = get_list_thumbnail($board['bo_table'], $list[$i]['wr_id'], $board['bo_gallery_width'], $board['bo_gallery_height']);

    $is_lock_thumb = false;
    if (!is_mw_file($thumb_file)) {
        if ($list[$i]['file'][0]['view'])
            $thumb_file = $list[$i]['file'][0]['path'].'/'.$list[$i]['file'][0]['file'];
        if (!is_mw_file($thumb_file))
            $thumb_file = mw_get_noimage();
        $thumb_width = "width='$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]'";
        $thumb_height = "height='$mw_basic[cf_thumb_height]'";
    else if ($list[$i][icon_secret] || $list[$i][is_secret] || $list[$i][wr_view_block] || $list[$i][wr_key_password]) {
        $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/lock.png';
        $thumb_width = "width='$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]'";
        $thumb_height = "height='$mw_basic[cf_thumb_height]'";
        $is_lock_thumb = true;
    else {
        $thumb_width = "";
        $thumb_height = "";

    $style = "";
    $class = "";
    if ($list[$i][is_notice]) $style = " class=mw_basic_list_notice";

    if ($wr_id == $list[$i][wr_id]) { // 현재위치
        $style = " class=mw_basic_list_num_select";
        $class = " select";

    $td_width = (int)(100 / $board[bo_gallery_cols]);

    // 제목스타일
    if ($mw_basic[cf_subject_style]) {
        $style .= " style='font-family:{$list[$i][wr_subject_font]}; ";
        if ($list[$i][wr_subject_color] && $wr_id != $list[$i]['wr_id'])
            $style .= " color:{$list[$i][wr_subject_color]}";

        if ($list[$i][wr_subject_bold]) {
            $style .= "; font-weight:bold; ";
        $style .= " '";

    $list[$i][subject] = "<span{$style}>{$list[$i][subject]}</span></a>";

    $is_notice_thumb = '';
    if (is_notice($list[$i]['wr_id']) && $thumb_file == mw_get_noimage()) {
        $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/notice.png';
        $is_notice_thumb = true;

    //if (($line_number+1)%$colspan==1) echo "<tr>";
    if (!$line_number) echo "<tr><td>";
    <!--<td width="<?=$td_width?>%" class="mw_basic_list_gall <?=$class?>">-->

        <div class="mw_basic_list_gall">

        <?php if ($is_checkbox) { ?>
        <div class="gall_check"><input type=checkbox name=chk_wr_id[] value="<?=$list[$i][wr_id]?>"></div>
        <?php } ?>

        <div class="box" style="width:<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]+35?>px">
        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="gall_list">
                <?php if (0) {//$list[$i]['ca_name']) { ?>
                <div class="gall_info" style="float:left;">
                    <i class="fa fa-cube"></i> <?php echo $list[$i]['ca_name']?>
                <?php } ?>

                <?php if (0) { //$list[$i]['datetime2']) { ?>
                <div class="gall_info" style="float:right;">
                    <i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> <?php echo $list[$i]['datetime2']?>
                <?php } ?>

                <div class="gall_image">
                    <?php if ($list[$i][icon_new]) { echo "<div class='icon_gall_new'><img src='{$board_skin_path}/img/icon_gall_new.png'></div>"; } ?>
                    <?php if ($is_notice_thumb or $is_lock_thumb) { ?>
                        <div><a href="<?=$list[$i][href]?>" style="background:url(<?php echo $thumb_file?>) no-repeat center center; display:block; border:1px solid #ddd; <?php echo "width:{$set_width}px; height:{$set_height}px; text-align:left;"?>" class="thumb"></a></div>
                    <?php } else { ?>
                        <div><a href="<?=$list[$i][href]?>"><!--
                        --><img src="<?=$thumb_file?>" class="thumb"
                        <?php if (!$mw_basic[cf_thumb_keep])
                            echo "style='width:{$set_width}px; height:{$set_height}px; text-align:left;'"; ?>></a></div>
                    <?php } ?>

                <?php if (0) { //$list[$i]['wr_hit']) { ?>
                <div class="gall_info" style="float:right;">
                    <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> <?php echo $list[$i]['wr_hit']?>
                <?php } ?>
            <td valign="top">

                <div class="gall_subject" style="width:<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]?>px;">
                    <div><a href="<?=$list[$i][href]?>"><?=$list[$i][subject]?></a></div>

                <div class="gall_member">
                    <?php if ($mw_basic['cf_attribute'] != "anonymous" && !$list[$i]['wr_anonymous']) echo $list[$i][name]?> 

                    <?php if ($list[$i]['wr_comment']) { ?>
                    <span class="gall_info">
                        <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <?php echo $list[$i]['wr_comment']?>
                    <?php } ?>

                <?php if ($mw_basic['cf_rate_level']) { ?>
                <div class="gall_star">
                $rate = mw_rate($bo_table, $list[$i]['wr_id']);
                    <div class="gall_star_inner" id="list_rate_<?php echo $list[$i]['wr_id']?>"></div>
                    $(document).ready(function () {
                        $("#list_rate_<?php echo $list[$i]['wr_id']?>").mw_star_rate({
                            path : "<?php echo $board_skin_path?>/mw.js/mw.star.rate/",
                            default_value : <?php echo round($rate['rate'], 1)?>,
                            readonly : true,
                            readonly_msg : '',
                            grade: false
                <?php } ?>



    <?php if ((($line_number+1)%2==0) ) echo '<div class="mobile_list_gall_br"></div>'; ?>
    <?php if ((($line_number+1)%$colspan==0) ) echo '<div class="list_gall_br"></div>'; ?>
    <?php if ($line_number >= $list_count) echo "</td></tr>"; ?>
    <?php //if ($list_count == $i-1) echo "</tr>"; ?>

<?php } else { // $mw_basic[cf_type] == "gall" ?>

<tr align=center <? if ($list[$i][is_notice]) echo "bgcolor='#f8f8f9'"; ?>>

    <? if ($is_checkbox) { ?>
    <!-- 관리자용 체크박스 -->
    <td><input type=checkbox name=chk_wr_id[] value="<?=$list[$i][wr_id]?>"></td>
    <? } ?>

    <!-- 글번호 -->
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_num]) { ?>
    <td class="media-no-text">
    if ($list[$i]['is_notice'] && $mw_basic['cf_notice_hit']) $list[$i]['wr_hit'] = "";

        if ($list[$i]['is_notice']) // 공지사항
            echo "<img src=\"{$board_skin_path}/img/icon_notice.gif\" width=30 height=16>";
        else if ($wr_id == $list[$i]['wr_id']) // 현재위치
            echo "<span class=mw_basic_list_num_select><i class='fa fa-folder-open'></i></span>";
        else if ($list[$i]['icon_new'])
            echo "<span class=mw_basic_list_num_new>{$list[$i]['num']}</span>";
        else // 일반
            echo "<span class=mw_basic_list_num>{$list[$i]['num']}</span>";
    <? } ?>

    if (!$mw_basic['cf_list_cate'] && $is_category) {
        echo "<td class='media-no-text'><a href=\"{$list[$i][ca_name_href]}\" class=mw_basic_list_category {$ca_color_style}>{$list[$i][ca_name]}</a></td>";
    <? if (!$mw_basic[cf_post_name] && $mw_basic['cf_name_location']) { ?>
    <? if ($mw_basic[cf_attribute] != "anonymous") { ?>
    <td class="mw_basic_list_name" class="media-no-text"><?=$list[$i][name]?></td><?php }}?>

    if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "thumb") {
        if (!is_mw_file($thumb_file) && $list[$i]['file'][0]['view'])
            $thumb_file = $list[$i]['file'][0]['path'].'/'.$list[$i]['file'][0]['file'];
        if (!is_mw_file($thumb_file))
            $thumb_file = mw_get_noimage();
        if ($list[$i][icon_secret] || $list[$i][is_secret] || $list[$i][wr_view_block] || $list[$i][wr_key_password])
            $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/lock.png';
        if (is_notice($list[$i]['wr_id']) && $thumb_file == mw_get_noimage())
            $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/notice.png';

    <!-- 썸네일 -->
    <td class=mw_basic_list_thumb><!-- 여백제거
        --><? if ($list[$i][icon_new]) { echo "<div class='icon_gall_new'><img src='{$board_skin_path}/img/icon_gall_new.png'></div>"; } ?><div><a href="<?=$list[$i][href]?>"><img src="<?=$thumb_file?>" width=<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]?> height=<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_height]?> align="absmiddle" class="list_thumb_img"></a></div><!--
    <?php } ?>

    <!-- 글제목 -->
    <td class="mw_basic_list_subject <?php echo $mw_basic['cf_type'] == 'desc' ? 'desc' : '';?>">

        <?php/* if ($is_checkbox) { ?>
        <span class="media-on-text"><input type=checkbox name=chk_wr_id[] value="<?=$list[$i][wr_id]?>"></span>
        <?php }*/ ?>
        if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "desc" && is_mw_file($thumb_file)) {
            if ($list[$i][icon_secret] || $list[$i][is_secret] || $list[$i][wr_view_block] || $list[$i][wr_key_password])
                $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/lock.png'; 

            if (is_notice($list[$i]['wr_id']) && $thumb_file == mw_get_noimage())
                $thumb_file = $board_skin_path.'/img/notice.png';

            echo "<div class='mw_basic_list_thumb thumb_td'>";
            if ($list[$i][icon_new])
                echo "<div class='icon_gall_new'><img src='{$board_skin_path}/img/icon_gall_new.png'></div>";
            echo "<div><a href=\"{$list[$i][href]}\"><img src=\"{$thumb_file}\" width={$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]} height={$mw_basic[cf_thumb_height]} align='absmiddle' class='list_thumb_img'></a></div>";
            echo "</div>\n";
        if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "desc") {
            echo "<div class=mw_basic_list_subject_desc>\n";
        echo $list[$i][reply];
        echo $list[$i][icon_reply];
        if ($is_category && $list[$i][ca_name]) {
            //echo "<a href=\"{$list[$i][ca_name_href]}\" class=mw_basic_list_category {$ca_color_style}>[{$list[$i][ca_name]}]</a> ";

        if ($mw_basic[cf_read_level] && $list[$i][wr_read_level])
            echo "<span class=mw_basic_list_level>[{$list[$i][wr_read_level]}레벨]</span> ";

        $style = "";
        if ($list[$i][is_notice]) $style = " class=mw_basic_list_notice";

        if ($wr_id == $list[$i][wr_id]) // 현재위치
            $style = " class=mw_basic_list_num_select";

        //if ($mw_basic[cf_type] == "list") {
        echo $write_icon;
        if (!$mw_basic[cf_subject_link] || $board[bo_read_level] <= $member[mb_level]) {
            if (!$mw_basic[cf_board_member] || ($mw_basic[cf_board_member] && $mw_basic[cf_board_member_view]) || $mw_is_board_member || $is_admin) {
                echo "<a href=\"{$list[$i][href]}\">";

        // 제목스타일
        if ($mw_basic[cf_subject_style]) {
            $style .= " style='font-family:{$list[$i][wr_subject_font]}; ";
            if ($list[$i][wr_subject_color] && $wr_id != $list[$i]['wr_id'])
                $style .= " color:{$list[$i][wr_subject_color]}";

            if ($list[$i][wr_subject_bold])
                $style .= "; font-weight:bold; ";
            $style .= " '";

        if ($wr_id == $list[$i]['wr_id'])
            $list[$i][subject] = "<span class='subject_current'>{$list[$i]['subject']}</span>";

        echo "<span class='media-list-subject'{$style}>{$list[$i][subject]}</span></a>\n";

        if ($list[$i][comment_cnt])
            //echo " <span class=mw_basic_list_comment_count>{$list[$i][comment_cnt]}</span>";
            //echo " <a href=\"{$list[$i][comment_href]}\" class=mw_basic_list_comment_count>{$list[$i][comment_cnt]}</a>";
            echo " <a href=\"{$list[$i][comment_href]}\" class=mw_basic_list_comment_count>{$list[$i][wr_comment]}</a>";

        echo " " . $list[$i][icon_update];
        echo " " . $list[$i][icon_new];
        echo " " . $list[$i][icon_file];
        echo " <a target='_blank' href='{$list[$i][link_href][1]}'&

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답변 2

길다... 허허


개발자도구 등을 활용해서 페이지소스를 보면서 찾는 연습을 해보세요.


실제 페이지를 보지 않아서 모르겠습니다만


758줄 근처

<div class="gall_subject" style="width:<?=$mw_basic[cf_thumb_width]?>px;">
    <div><a href="<?=$list[$i][href]?>"><?=$list[$i][subject]?></a></div>

919줄 근처

echo "<span class='media-list-subject'{$style}>{$list[$i][subject]}</span></a>\n";


확인해 보세요.

답변을 작성하시기 전에 로그인 해주세요.
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