번호가 나오지 않습니다
아래는 게시판리스트에 적용된 1:1관련입니다.
아래코드를 넣으면 번호가 출력되지 않네요
아시면 ...........
$noticeNumS = str_replace("\n",",",$board[bo_notice]);
$bb_query2 = "select * from `{$write_table}` where 1 and find_in_set(wr_id,'{$noticeNumS}') and wr_is_comment != 1 order by wr_num, wr_reply;";
$result2 = sql_query($bb_query2);
$list2A = array();
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result2))
$row = get_list($row, $board, $g5[path].'/skin/board/'.$board[bo_skin], $board[bo_subject_len]);
array_push($list2A, $row);
// 해당 사용자가 쓴 글의 번호를 얻어 옴.
$bb_query1 = "select * from `{$write_table}` where 1 and mb_id like '{$member[mb_id]}'";
$result1 = sql_query($bb_query1);
$list1A = array();
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result1))
$list1S = $row[wr_num].",".$list1S;
//array_push($list1A, $row[wr_num]);
// 페이징 처리
$bb_query_total = "select * from `{$write_table}` where 1 and find_in_set(wr_num,'{$list1S}') and wr_is_comment != 1 order by wr_num, wr_reply;";
$bb_result_total = sql_query($bb_query_total);
$bb_total_count = mysql_num_rows($bb_result_total);
$bb_total_page = ceil($bb_total_count / $board[bo_page_rows]); // 전체 페이지 계산
if (!$page) { $page = 1; } // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
$bb_from_record = ($page - 1) * $board[bo_page_rows]; // 시작 열을 구함
$bb_url = "./board.php?bo_table={$board[bo_table]}&page=";
$bb_write_pages = get_paging( $board[bo_page_rows], $page, $bb_total_page, $bb_url, $add="");
// 공지글, 해당사용자가 쓴 글과 관련된 게시물 가져오기
$bb_query3 = "select * from `{$write_table}` where 1 and find_in_set(wr_num,'{$list1S}') and wr_is_comment != 1 order by wr_num, wr_reply limit $bb_from_record, $board[bo_page_rows];";
$result3 = sql_query($bb_query3);
$list3A = array();
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result3))
$row = get_list($row, $board, $g5[path].'/skin/board/'.$board[bo_skin], $board[bo_subject_len]);
array_push($list2A, $row);
if ( !$is_admin) {
$total_count = $bb_total_count;
$list = $list2A;
$write_pages = $bb_write_pages;
답변을 작성하시기 전에 로그인 해주세요.