Elton John - Sixty Years On > 자유게시판


Elton John - Sixty Years On 정보

Elton John - Sixty Years On


어제 퇴근 길, 라디오에서 들려오는 노래에 마음을 뺐겼습니다.
안사람이 소리를 워낙 작게 틀어놔서... 얼핏 들었던 단어 몇개를 힌트로 찾아봤습니다.
엘튼존의 노래를 딱히 좋아하지는 않으나 숱한 곡들을 들어봤는데, 이 노래는 처음이네요.


Who'll walk me down to church
When I'm sixty years of age
When the ragged dog they gave me
Has been ten years in the grave
And señorita play guitar
Play it just for you
My rosary has broken and
My beads have all slipped through
You've hung up your great coat and
You've laid down your gun
You know the war you fought in
Wasn't too much fun
And the future you're giving me
Holds nothing for a gun
I've no wish to be living
Sixty years on


Yes I'll sit with you and talk
Let your eyes relive again
I know my vintage prayers would
Be very much the same
And Magdelena plays the organ
Plays it just for you
Your choral lamp that burns so low
When you are passing through
And the future you're giving me
Holds nothing for a gun
I've no wish to be living
Sixty years on



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  1. 참여6 회 시작24.04.25 20:23 종료24.05.02 20:23
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