[소개]SSH expolor 1.6 > 자유게시판


[소개]SSH expolor 1.6 정보

[소개]SSH expolor 1.6


이거 꽤 편리한 프로그램 같습니다.
snippets에는 search, search & replace,등등,
파일트리에는 기본적인 edit 등등, 파일관리메뉴들이 들어 있군요.

What is SSH Explorer?

SSH Explorer is a new generation SSH Client and Terminal Emulator that makes remote server management look like much more fun than it actually is :) Combined security and ease of use make it suitable for newbies and experts alike.

What makes it different?

Integrated text editor (New!)

SSH Explorer now features an integrated text editor, which is going to be great news for people who always found vi and emacs' interfaces to be awkward and confusing. Just right click on a file in the File View panel, select "Edit text file" and you'll forget about vi in no time!

File View

The File View panel relieves you from the pain of working only with the command line. It displays the current directory structure and has a fully customizable context menu. You can use it for navigation and file manipulation

Snippets toolbar

The snippets toolbar is preloaded with some of the most often used Linux commands to give you a quick headstart no matter whether you're a newbie or a seasoned Linux server administrator.

Customizable snippets

SSH Explorer comes with a built-in mini language (containing only 2 tags!) Create your own snippets so you don't have to type again that funny-looking-and-impossible-to-remember command

QuickType bar

Usually anything you type into the terminal window is transferred to the server character by character and this slows down your typing, especially if the internet connection is not very good. With the Quick Type bar you can type everything at once and send it to the server after you're finished

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  1. 참여4 회 시작24.04.25 20:23 종료24.05.02 20:23
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