sitemap.xml 생성하기 (2017-01-25 수정) 정보
sitemap.xml 생성하기 (2017-01-25 수정)
구글이나 네이버 웹마스터도구의 sitemap 제출하기 위한 데이타 추출 sitemap 파일입니다.
그누보드4 / m3googlesitemap.php 로 업로드 합니다.
글읽기 = 1, 검색허용 = y 의 게시판의 공개글의 최근 수정일 기준으로 100개씩 추출합니다.
너무 많은 자료를 추출하는 경우에 시간초과 오류가 뜨더군요.
2017-01-25 수정
영카트 설치된 경우엔 그것의 자료도 추출하는 로직을 추가
// m3 google sitemap ver 1.22 by mahler83 2009-07-30
// please give feedbacks to
$charset = $g4[charset];
$url = $g4[url]; // adjust if gnuboard is not installed in the root directory
header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=$charset");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n";
<urlset xmlns="">
$query = sql_query("select bo_table from ".$g4['board_table']." where bo_read_level='1'");
while($temp = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
$bo_arr[] = $temp['bo_table'];
$i = 1;
foreach($bo_arr as $bo) {
// list of bo_table
<loc><?php echo $url ?>/bbs/board.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo; ?></loc>
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_last,wr_datetime from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." order by wr_last DESC");
//$wr_last = $temp['wr_last'];
//$wr_datetime = $temp['wr_datetime'];
if ($temp['wr_last']) {
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_last'], 0, 10);
} elseif ($temp['wr_datetime']) {
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
} else {
$lastmod = date(Y)."-".date(m)."-".date(d);
<lastmod><?php echo $lastmod; ?></lastmod>
$query = sql_query("select wr_id, wr_last from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_is_comment='0' AND wr_option NOT LIKE '%secret%' order by wr_id DESC limit 100");
while($row = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
// list of each article
<loc><?php echo $url ?>/bbs/board.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo;?>&wr_id=<?php echo $row['wr_id']; ?></loc>
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_last from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_parent='".$row['wr_id']."' order by wr_id DESC");
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_last'], 0, 10); // 2016-01-16
if(!$lastmod) {
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_datetime from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_id='".$row['wr_id']."'");
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
<lastmod><?php echo $lastmod; ?></lastmod>
if ($g4['yc4_item_table']) {
$query = sql_query("select it_id, it_time from ".$g4['yc4_item_table']." where it_use='1' order by it_time desc");
while($row = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
<loc><?php echo $g4['shop_url'] ?>/item.php?it_id=<?php echo $row['it_id'];?></loc>
<lastmod><?php echo substr($row['it_time'], 0, 10); ?></lastmod>
그누보드4 / m3googlesitemap.php 로 업로드 합니다.
글읽기 = 1, 검색허용 = y 의 게시판의 공개글의 최근 수정일 기준으로 100개씩 추출합니다.
너무 많은 자료를 추출하는 경우에 시간초과 오류가 뜨더군요.
2017-01-25 수정
영카트 설치된 경우엔 그것의 자료도 추출하는 로직을 추가
// m3 google sitemap ver 1.22 by mahler83 2009-07-30
// please give feedbacks to
$charset = $g4[charset];
$url = $g4[url]; // adjust if gnuboard is not installed in the root directory
header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=$charset");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n";
<urlset xmlns="">
$query = sql_query("select bo_table from ".$g4['board_table']." where bo_read_level='1'");
while($temp = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
$bo_arr[] = $temp['bo_table'];
$i = 1;
foreach($bo_arr as $bo) {
// list of bo_table
<loc><?php echo $url ?>/bbs/board.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo; ?></loc>
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_last,wr_datetime from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." order by wr_last DESC");
//$wr_last = $temp['wr_last'];
//$wr_datetime = $temp['wr_datetime'];
if ($temp['wr_last']) {
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_last'], 0, 10);
} elseif ($temp['wr_datetime']) {
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
} else {
$lastmod = date(Y)."-".date(m)."-".date(d);
<lastmod><?php echo $lastmod; ?></lastmod>
$query = sql_query("select wr_id, wr_last from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_is_comment='0' AND wr_option NOT LIKE '%secret%' order by wr_id DESC limit 100");
while($row = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
// list of each article
<loc><?php echo $url ?>/bbs/board.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo;?>&wr_id=<?php echo $row['wr_id']; ?></loc>
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_last from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_parent='".$row['wr_id']."' order by wr_id DESC");
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_last'], 0, 10); // 2016-01-16
if(!$lastmod) {
$temp = sql_fetch("select wr_datetime from ".$g4['write_prefix'].$bo." where wr_id='".$row['wr_id']."'");
$lastmod = substr($temp['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
<lastmod><?php echo $lastmod; ?></lastmod>
if ($g4['yc4_item_table']) {
$query = sql_query("select it_id, it_time from ".$g4['yc4_item_table']." where it_use='1' order by it_time desc");
while($row = sql_fetch_array($query)) {
<loc><?php echo $g4['shop_url'] ?>/item.php?it_id=<?php echo $row['it_id'];?></loc>
<lastmod><?php echo substr($row['it_time'], 0, 10); ?></lastmod>
댓글 2개

소스 이용해주시다니 영광입니다. ^^

좋은 소스를 공개해주셔서 그것에 살짝 양념만 추가했습니다. ^^