영문 입력시 or 부분 잘리는거 같습니다.. 왜 그런지...

영문 입력시 or 부분 잘리는거 같습니다.. 왜 그런지...


영문 입력시 or 부분 잘리는거 같습니다.. 왜 그런지...


아래 글을 복사해서 붙여넣기 하면 The above is for a car transferring from Tas to Vic.​ 부분과 아래 부분도 잘립니다... 왜그런건지.





After finishing a work in the morning I took a shower and asked vicroad for how to transfer or got my car in Tasmania to Melborne. 

I have to call to 131171 (Vicroad) and reserve an inspection. 

Then they will give me date and place info for the inspection. 

And finishing this, I can buy a car plate in Victoria. 

The inspection fee is about $46, the plate fee is about $37. 

After that I can rego in Vic and it would be $312.xx for an year. 

All done, then I can get a refund from service of Tasmania about rego. 

So I need to call to Melborne Embassy 61 3 9533 3800. In case of Sydney 61 2 9210 0222 or 0234. Canvera 61 2 6270 4100. 

In Victoria, Melborne, Emabassy said that I can’t drive with international driving permit over three months. 

So as soon ass I arrived there, I have to go to Embassy and get a notarial act, authentication of Korean license. 

From getting the authentication I can drive for more 6 months and after that I have to get it again or get the Australia’s license.


The above is for a car transferring from Tas to Vic.


Now 15th of November, I am staying Cygnet Hotel as a backpacker. 

I recommend this place if you are plan to stay Cygnet for a short time but over a week. 

Now I guess here is in a off season before coming Dec. Or might be a high demand season. 

I don’t know exactly but the price of here as backpacker, $45 per night but $140 per week. 

I am using my own room but it is originally two room. And can use internet.


I quit working in the strawberry farm. D.M. Jannings & Sons. The earning is very low. 

$4.5 per bin. I just now got the money today and it’s $71. 

I can not afford even my car fuel. I’ve already checked all around here Houn Valley area. 

And I could assume here is already changed to some commercial place. 

I don’t know how here comes cherry season. 

But I stayed two backpackers near Huonville and useless process, job searching and have to wait... 

Suppose there is a need of worker, Why do we have to wait and searching fee... 

Already it seems to have some network in this narrow region. 

And most want to try to take money away from workers. 

Not a normal worker to owner relationship. 

So I will go to Devonport tomorrow. It will take some time because it is far from here. 

There is a farm having cherry and apple. If even here disappoint  me, I will move to Victory by taking Spirit of Tasmania. 

Anyway here Cygnet Hotel is nice place all around Cygnet at least for me. 



----- 글쓰기 이후 결과 ------




After finishing a work in the morning I took a shower and asked vicroad for how to transfer or got my car in Tasmania to Melborne. 

I have to call to 131171 (Vicroad) and reserve an inspection. 
Then they will give me date and place info for the inspection. 
And finishing this, I can buy a car plate in Victoria. 
The inspection fee is about $46, the plate fee is about $37. 
After that I can rego in Vic and it would be $312.xx for an year. 
All done, then I can get a refund from service of Tasmania about rego. 
So I need to call to Melborne Embassy 61 3 9533 3800. In case of Sydney 61 2 9210 0222 or 0234. Canvera 61 2 6270 4100. 
In Victoria, Melborne, Emabassy said that I can’t drive with international driving permit over three months. 
So as soon ass I arrived there, I have to go to Embassy and get a notarial act, authentication of Korean license. 
From getting the authentication I can drive for more 6 months and after that I have to get it again or get the Australia’s license.
The above is f
Now 15th of November, I am staying Cygnet Hotel as a backpacker. 
I recommend this place if you are plan to stay Cygnet for a short time but over a week. 
Now I guess here is in a off season before coming Dec. Or might be a high demand season. 
I don’t know exactly but the price of here as backpacker, $45 per night but $140 per week. 
I am using my own room but it is originally two room. And can use internet.
I quit working in the strawberry farm. D.M. Jannings & Sons. The earning is very low. 
$4.5 per bin. I just now got the money today and it’s $71. 
I can not afford even my car fuel. I’ve already checked all around here Houn Valley area. 
And I could assume here is already changed to some commercial place. 
I don’t know how here comes cherry season. 
But I stayed two backpackers near Huonville and useless process, job searching and have to wait... 
Suppose there is a need of worker, Why do we have to wait and searching fee... 
Already it seems to have some network in this narrow region. 
Not a normal worker to owner relationship. 
So I will go to Devonp There is a farm having cherry and apple. If even here disappoint  me, I will move to Victory by taking Spirit of Tasmania. 

Anyway here Cygnet Hotel is nice place all around Cygnet at least for me. 




이 질문에 댓글 쓰기 :

답변 8

^^ 이거 유사한 경험이 있습니다.

이거 특정단어 인식이 안되서 그렇습니다.


이거 제가 예전에 이상해서 고생했던부분인데...


입력될 시 내용 자체가 잘려서 들어가네요. 뭐 뒤에 부분이 잘리면 길이 때문이라 생각하겠는데 왜 중간에 몇몇 문장들이 잘리는지... 한글은 괜찮은거 같구 영어만 그러네요. or 라는 게 들어가면 보통 그런거 같기도 하고...

컨텐츠 올리다 다 날라가네요... 무서워서 사용하기가 겁나요...

여기 사이트는 복사해서 붙여넣어서 글작성해봐도 안잘리는데 왜 그누보드5 기본에서는 이런지..

저 역시 그누보드5를 가지고 테스트 해 본 결과 올려주신 내용과 동일한 버그가 있음을 확인했습니다.
이곳에 글을 남겨주시면 빠르게 답변 받아보실 수 있을것 같습니다.

php, mysql 라이브러리 쪽에 버그 있는 듯한데요.


버전을 무엇을 사용하고 있는지 몰라도.


버전을 바꿔보세요.


php : 

PHP Version 5.2.9p2

mysql  : 
Client API version5.0.90
위 와 같은 버전에서는 정상적이네요.

버전 체크 후 정상적인 버전으로  운영해보세요

웹 호스팅을 사용하고 계시다면.. 라이브러리를 바꿀수 없기 때문에
호스팅을 옮기세요
자체 서버라면 라이브러리를 다시 설치 하시고요



PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4



MySQL Supportenabled
Active Persistent Links0
Active Links1
Client API version5.5.37
MYSQL_LIBS-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lmysqlclient_r


common.php 에서 

// SQL Injection 등으로 부터 보호를 위해 sql_escape_string() 적용 
// magic_quotes_gpc 에 의한 backslashes 제거 
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { 
    $_POST    = array_map_deep('stripslashes',  $_POST); 
    $_GET    = array_map_deep('stripslashes',  $_GET); 
    $_COOKIE  = array_map_deep('stripslashes',  $_COOKIE); 
    $_REQUEST = array_map_deep('stripslashes',  $_REQUEST); 

// sql_escape_string 적용 
//$_POST    = array_map_deep(G5_ESCAPE_FUNCTION,  $_POST); <-- 이부분 주석처리하니 입력은 되네요... 
$_GET    = array_map_deep(G5_ESCAPE_FUNCTION,  $_GET); 
$_COOKIE  = array_map_deep(G5_ESCAPE_FUNCTION,  $_COOKIE); 
$_REQUEST = array_map_deep(G5_ESCAPE_FUNCTION,  $_REQUEST); 

이거 왜 이런가요?? 

// sql_escape_string 함수에서 사용될 패턴 

define('G5_ESCAPE_PATTERN',  '/(and|or).*(union|select|insert|update|delete|from|where|limit|create|drop).*/i'); 
define('G5_ESCAPE_REPLACE',  ''); 

요부분에서 or 부분 제거 하는거 같은 느낌이 ... 



The above is for a car transferring from Tas to Vic. 

이거만 단독으로 입력해도 문장이 입력 안됩니다!!!!! 

저거 정규식 잘못된 거 같아요!!! sql injection 보호를 위한 거인 것 같은데 아마도 or .... from 이 나오면 문장 입력이 안되는 거 같은데요 ㅠㅠ 

답변을 작성하시기 전에 로그인 해주세요.
전체 936
QA 내용 검색


(주)에스아이알소프트 / 대표:홍석명 / (06211) 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리24 서관 1404호 / E-Mail: admin@sir.kr
사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)