깃허브 소셜로그인 오류?

깃허브 소셜로그인 오류?


깃허브 소셜로그인 오류?


깃허브 소셜로그인을 했을때 세션에 access_token 이 저장될때도 있고 저장이 안될때도 있습니다.

저장이 될때는 HA::STORE 에 저장이되는데 이마저도 access_token 만 저장이되고 나머지

refresh_token, expires_in, expires_at 은 저장이 안됩니다.

로그인을 성공했으면 이제 access_token 을 가지고 다른 API 들을 호출해야되는데 저장이 안되네요...

그리고 관리자는 소셜로그인을 연동해도 access_token이 세션에 저장되지않게 되어있나요?


- /html/plugin/social/Hybrid/Providers/Github.php

* HybridAuth
* http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net | https://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth
*  (c) 2009-2011 HybridAuth authors | hybridauth.sourceforge.net/licenses.html
 * Hybrid_Providers_GitHub
class Hybrid_Providers_GitHub extends Hybrid_Provider_Model_OAuth2
    // default permissions
    // (no scope) => public read-only access (includes public user profile info, public repo info, and gists).
    public $scope = "user";
    * IDp wrappers initializer
    function initialize()
        // Provider api end-points
        $this->api->api_base_url  = "https://api.github.com/";
        $this->api->authorize_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize";
        $this->api->token_url     = "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token";
    * load the user profile from the IDp api client
    function getUserProfile()
        $data = $this->api->api( "user" );
        if ( ! isset( $data->id ) ){
            throw new Exception( "User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid response.", 6 );
        $this->user->profile->identifier  = @ $data->id;
        $this->user->profile->displayName = @ $data->name;
        $this->user->profile->description = @ $data->bio;
        $this->user->profile->photoURL    = @ $data->avatar_url;
        $this->user->profile->profileURL  = @ $data->html_url;
        $this->user->profile->email       = @ $data->email;
        $this->user->profile->webSiteURL  = @ $data->blog;
        $this->user->profile->region      = @ $data->location;
        if( empty($this->user->profile->displayName) ){
            $this->user->profile->displayName = @ $data->login;
        // request user emails from github api
        if( empty($data->email) ){
                $emails = $this->api->api("user/emails");
                // fail gracefully, and let apps collect the email if not present
                if (is_array($emails)) {
                    foreach ($emails as $email) {
                        if ($email instanceof stdClass
                            && property_exists($email, 'primary')
                            && true === $email->primary
                            && property_exists($email, 'email')
                        ) {
                            $this->user->profile->email = $email->email;
                            // record whether the email address is verified
                            if (property_exists($email, 'verified')
                                && true === $email->verified
                            ) {
                                $this->user->profile->emailVerified = $email->email;
            catch( GithubApiException $e ){
                throw new Exception( "User email request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error: $e", 6 );
        $this->user->profile->sid = get_social_convert_id( $this->user->profile->identifier, $this->providerId );
        return $this->user->profile;
    function getUserContacts() {
        // refresh tokens if needed
        $response = array();
        $contacts = array();
        try {
            $response = $this->api->api( "user/followers" );
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception("User contacts request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error: $e");
        if ( isset( $response ) ) {
            foreach ($response as $contact) {
                try {
                    $contactInfo = $this->api->api( "users/".$contact->login );
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception("Contact info request failed for user {$contact->login}! {$this->providerId} returned an error: $e");
                $uc = new Hybrid_User_Contact();
                $uc->identifier     = $contact->id;
                $uc->profileURL     = @$contact->html_url;
                $uc->webSiteURL     = @$contact->blog;
                $uc->photoURL       = @$contact->avatar_url;
                $uc->displayName    = ( isset( $contactInfo->name )?( $contactInfo->name ):( $contact->login ) );
                //$uc->description  = ;
                $uc->email          = @$contactInfo->email;
                $contacts[] = $uc;
        return $contacts;

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