콘솔창 열어서보면..
alarm.js:24 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
function show_alarm(title,content,url,me_id){
if(show_alarm_exist) hide_alarm();
var html = "";
audio.play(); X <- 여기에 X표시되면서 콘솔에 위 내용 글이뜹니다..
html = "<div id='alarm_layer' class='wrapper-notification bottom right side' style='display:none'>";
html += "<div class='notification notification-primary notification-msg animated bounceInUp' id='" + me_id + "'>";
html += "<div class='notification-icon'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i></div>";
html += "<div class='notification-close'>";
html += "<button class='close' onclick='hide_alarm()'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>";
html += "</div>";
html += "<div class='notification-option'><button class='notification-check' data-toggle='tooltip' data-trigger='hover' data-html='true' data-placement='top' data-original-title='읽음' onclick='set_recv_memo(" + me_id + ")'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></button></div>";
html += "<div class='notification-heading'>" + RemoveTag(title) + "</div>";
html += "<div class='notification-content'><a onclick=\"win_memo('" + url + "');\" class=\"cursor\">" + content + "</a></div>";
html += "</div>";
html += "</div>";
setTimeout(function(){ hide_alarm(); }, 30000);