아이디 비번찾기 메일이 안감
function mailer($fname, $fmail, $to, $subject, $content, $type=0, $file="", $cc="", $bcc="")
global $config;
global $g5;
// 메일발송 사용을 하지 않는다면
if (!$config['cf_email_use']) return;
if ($type != 1)
$content = nl2br($content);
$result = run_replace('mailer', $fname, $fmail, $to, $subject, $content, $type, $file, $cc, $bcc);
if( is_array($result) && isset($result['return']) ){
return $result['return'];
$mail_send_result = false;
try {
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()"
if (defined('G5_SMTP') && G5_SMTP) {
$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host = G5_SMTP; // SMTP server
if(defined('G5_SMTP_PORT') && G5_SMTP_PORT)
$mail->Port = G5_SMTP_PORT;
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mail->From = $fmail;
$mail->FromName = $fname;
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->AltBody = ""; // optional, comment out and test
if ($cc)
if ($bcc)
//print_r2($file); exit;
if ($file != "") {
foreach ($file as $f) {
$mail->addAttachment($f['path'], $f['name']);
$mail = run_replace('mail_options', $mail, $fname, $fmail, $to, $subject, $content, $type, $file, $cc, $bcc);
$mail_send_result = $mail->send();
} catch (Exception $e) {
run_event('mail_send_result', $mail_send_result, $mail, $to, $cc, $bcc);
return $mail_send_result;
$result = mailer($config['cf_admin_email_name'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $mb['mb_email'], $subject, $content, 1);
원래 mailer(~~~~)만 있었는데
확인하려고 result변수 만들어서 넣어주고 출력해봤는데
1이라고 나오더라구요
1이라고 나오면 보내진 것 같은데 메일은 안와있네요.
무엇을 더 체크해봐야할까요?