아래 Quickadminpanel에 이어서 > PHP프레임워크


아래 Quickadminpanel에 이어서 정보

라라벨 아래 Quickadminpanel에 이어서


CSV Import

Import CSV files into any of your database CRUDs.

Mega Search

One text-field to search for information through all your CRUDs.

Time Management

Small project for time tracking, consists of CRUDs like Work Types, Project, Time Entries and Reports

Expense Management

Small project for tracking expenses, consists of CRUDs like Categories, Income, Expenses, Reports

FAQ Management

Frequently Asked Questions - manage questions/answers and assign them to categories.

Reports generator

Build your simple reports online and use them after downloading your admin panel.

Internal Messages

Send internal messages between your users. Like a mini email inbox in your project.

Tasks + Calendar

Simple task management system that works as a to-do list, but also can be viewed in a calendar mode.

Internal Notifications

Send internal notifications to your users.


Allow to restrict access to CRUD entries to only the user who actually created those entries

Content Management

Static pages management for your project - things like “About us”, “History” etc.


Allow to register new users from log in screen, not only log in.

Change notifications

Email your admin user when some CRUD has entries created/updated/deleted.

Social login

Allow your users to login via Facebook or Google. We are using Socialite for this.

Product Management

Simple management system for products, their categories, tags and photos.

Client Management

Client management system for freelancers: clients, projects, income reports and some flexible settings.

Assets Management

Simple asset management system for the organization - track your hardware's location and assign people.

Coupon management

Discount vouchers and coupons management - create individual coupon or full campaign with a lot of coupons.

Stripe payment

Ability to accept Stripe payments to upgrade user to Premium plan

Language Switcher

Ability to change language for multi-language projects, with icon in top-right corner


14일 Free plan으로 테스트 해 볼수 있는 것은

Contact Management

Simple contact management - CRUDs for Companies and Contacts, where Company can have many Contacts.

AJAX Datatables

Adds ability to load datatables data with AJAX - helpful for tables with large amount of data.

User Logs

Logging of every action of every user - create/update/delete entries, with ability to see the logs in one list

System calendar

Calendar that can accept several CRUDs as event sources, also with customizable labels









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진행중 포인트경매

  1. 참여67 회 시작24.04.19 15:40 종료24.04.26 15:40
(주)에스아이알소프트 / 대표:홍석명 / (06211) 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리24 서관 1404호 / E-Mail: admin@sir.kr
사업자등록번호: 217-81-36347 / 통신판매업신고번호:2014-서울강남-02098호 / 개인정보보호책임자:김민섭(minsup@sir.kr)